Maybe you need to have grown up in England to really know how inately funny it is to hear that Airforce One and the US President Biden has arrived in England at... Stansted airport... Stansted... budget airlines' favourite... Stansted...
... It's pretty much like welcoming a visiting head of state at an airfield in what an American engineer I knew would have called, "B_mf_ck Iowa!"
No offense meant Iowa!
Or Stansted really 💕
In the Middle of Nowhere 🏜
After seeing a mirage, Kobe and I decided which direction to go in the middle of nowhere. Subscribe for more videos like this. #desert #holiday #nowhere #family #kids #kidsvideos #funnykids #travel #capeverde #tui
#africa #capeverde #dad #desert #family #FunnyKid #holiday #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #Middleofnowhere #nowhere #travel #神戸
#desert #holiday #nowhere #family #kids #kidsvideos #funnykids #travel #capeverde #tui #africa #dad #funnykid #kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #middleofnowhere #神戸
I used to be on #Verizon (proper). It was beautiful, and expensive. I switched to #Visible, and it was good enough at first. Then it got worse. Then it kinda stopped working until I upgraded. Then I upgraded. And latency was better but the pipe is still brutal enough I can’t stream home security cams.
Now I’m test driving #tmobile. Speeds are wonderful. But it doesn’t work in the #middleOfNowhere, where I live.
Woe is me.
#verizon #visible #tmobile #middleofnowhere #visiblewireless
I miss living in a #metro area for many reasons. #Healthcare in rural #SaukValley #Illinois has been mediocre. Providers: single-tracked. Processes: built on archaic foundations. Appointments: twice as far out in the future. And based on the EOBs I read, providers fudge their enc times for billing purposes.
The #digitalTransformation didn’t hit here. And even if it did, that doesn’t bring the greats to the middle of nowhere.
I miss ya right now, #MadisonWI
#metro #healthcare #saukvalley #illinois #digitaltransformation #madisonwi #middleofnowhere #smalltown #bfe