Who's getting ready to help out Georgia and make sure we slam dunk this run-off? Warnock deserves nothing less. Donate. Reach out. Be actively involved.
#midtermelection #Miderms2022
This is my weekly column in a local 🇵🇷 newspaper 📰. It’s mostly #IR #Geopolitics & #Diplomacy. But yesterday I chose to reflect on the uncertain outcome of the US’ #Miderms2022.
You can put it to translate if you can’t read Spanish. It would not be exact but you’ll get the gist of it.
#miderms2022 #diplomacy #geopolitics #ir
Is there any news on whether Boebert in Colorado and Lake in Arizona have lost yet ?
Biden had the best midterm of any POTUS in 20 years (better than Bush in 2006, Obama in 2010 and 2014, and Trump in 2018).
#Miderms2022 #Biden #Trump #2024presidentialelection
#2024presidentialelection #Trump #biden #miderms2022
Jeszcze dobrze kurz nie opadł po #Miderms2022 a Candance Owens już zmienia kierunek, krytykuje Trumpa i namawiania do nabrania pokory i spojrzenia w lustro. Dwa dni temu jeszcze był Zbawicielem, teraz będzie ulubionym chłopcem do bicia republikańskich gadających glow. Niesamowite jest Koło Fortuny :8b_h: :8b_e: :8b_h: :8b_e:
An #article on #foreignpolicy to explore as the #Miderms2022 results come in https://www.linkedin.com/posts/robert-stephenson-research_midterms2022-activity-6995474474003296256-aqRJ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
#miderms2022 #foreignpolicy #article