I don't think midichlorians (first mentioned in The Phantom Menace) detract from The Force, the Jedi and what was previously established in the Original Trilogy
#StarWars #Midichlorians #HashtagGames #UnpopularMovieOpinions #ThePhantomMenace
#ThePhantomMenace #unpopularmovieopinions #HashtagGames #midichlorians #StarWars
Found out that "midi-chlorians" is officially hyphenated, had to take the appropriate response. #midichlorians #StarWars #Force
#midichlorians #starwars #force
@orionkidder I have a hard time accepting #Continuity / #Canon in #StarWars b/c it's very clearly loose/made up on the fly. Star Wars 1977 was a complete movie in itself that needed no sequels. It wasn't planned as a franchise from the start. That's why I think some elements are more acceptable to fans than others. No one liked the #Midichlorians, for example, and they've been de-emphasized.
#continuity #canon #starwars #midichlorians
#JournalDuGeek #Cinéma "Star Wars : George Lucas aurait donné une plus grande place à Dark Maul " #StarWars #GeorgesLucas #DarthMaul #ParrainDuCrime #Leia #Midichlorians ... https://www.journaldugeek.com/2020/11/12/star-wars-george-lucas-dark-maul/
#journaldugeek #cinéma #starwars #GeorgesLucas #darthmaul #ParrainDuCrime #leia #midichlorians
#JournalDuGeek #Cinéma "Star Wars : George Lucas aurait donné une plus grande place à Dark Maul " #StarWars #GeorgesLucas #DarthMaul #ParrainDuCrime #Leia #Midichlorians ... https://www.journaldugeek.com/2020/11/12/star-wars-george-lucas-dark-maul/
#midichlorians #leia #ParrainDuCrime #darthmaul #GeorgesLucas #starwars #cinéma #journaldugeek