Two Pioneer DJ PLX-CRSS12 costs less than one CDJ3000.
Two Reloop RP8000MK2 and Phase DJ costs less than one PLX-CRSS12
Two Rane Twelves MK2 costs similar to one PLX-CRSS12
#pioneerdj #serato #rekordbox #rane #reloop turntable #midicontroller #dj
#pioneerdj #serato #rekordbox #rane #reloop #midicontroller #dj
Arturia Keystep products
Control your desktop synths, your modular rig, your software - the Step range lets you control it all.
Controllers designed to keep all your gear in perfect sync, with instant sequencing, playful arpeggios, playable chord modes, and flexible connectivity to suit any setup, style, or project.
#arturia #KeyStep #synth #midi #midicontroller
Building a Breath-Controlled MIDI Device #midicontroller #MusicalHacks #woodwind #breath #midi
#midicontroller #musicalhacks #woodwind #breath #midi
Building a Breath-Controlled MIDI Device - When we think of MIDI devices, we typically jump straight to drum machines, rack s... - #midicontroller #musicalhacks #woodwind #breath #midi
#midi #breath #woodwind #musicalhacks #midicontroller
My #Hydrasynth is also my main #MIDIController and I've wanted a #ControllerMode since I got it, but then I realised I could just make a patch that turned everything off and made the synth quiet whilst I'm using it's keyboard in my DAW. Duh! So, uh here it is, if you can't be arsed programming it yourself. lol 😅
#Synth #Synthesizer #MIDIController #MIDI #SynthPatch #SynthPatcher
#hydrasynth #midicontroller #controllermode #synth #synthesizer #midi #synthpatch #synthpatcher
Nektar Panorama CST
The #NektarPanoramaCST is a new channel strip MIDI controller featuring a high-resolution motor fader, 16 freely-assignable, color-coded knobs and buttons, and more. The new controller is powered by the Nektarine engine communicating with the DAWs.
Price: ???
#midi #midicontroller #daw #musicproduction #PeaceLoveMusic #nektarpanoramacst
Okay! I got my new “picotouch_grid” controller to be MUCH more responsive by using the #RaspberryPiPico’s PIO blocks to do touch sensing on the much higher-capacitance rows. It’s playable now! Columns are still using #CircutPython’s wonderful “touchio” library #rp2040 #MIDIController #PicoTouch
#RaspberryPiPico #circutpython #rp2040 #midicontroller #picotouch
Should I resurrect my #plinkykeeb #MIDIcontroller keyboard project that uses an @adafruit #KB2040 with hot-swap Choc keyswitches?
#plinkykeeb #midicontroller #kb2040
I turned my #PicoTouch into a MIDI slider bank! In honor of getting more boards, my #RaspberryPiPico-powered #MIDIController has a new #CircuitPython sketch that makes it a bank of three sliders. Video demo:
and the code:
Oh! and the #tindie link to get one if you like this idea:
#picotouch #RaspberryPiPico #midicontroller #circuitpython #tindie
Hello everyone! A few months ago I read the book "The Synthesizer" and bought my first midi controller. What should I read next? I'm really looking to propel myself into the deep end of creating soundscapes and experiences through the synthesizer.
#soundscape #synthesizer #newbie #midicontroller #lifeisstudy
#soundscape #synthesizer #newbie #midicontroller #lifeisstudy
My friend 3D printed this stand for my APC 40, it's so cool and it glows 🌟
#musicproduction #mixing #musicmaking #midicontroller
So this looks pretty cool - using your trackpad as a midi controller. Takes a while to set things up but using it as a chaos pad type controller in Reason seems good so far. Be great if it works with the MicroKorg...
Found this #arturia #midicontroller in the trash. Some knobs were missing, some keys were sticking out but it turns out everything was working and it just needed a bit of love… and loctite 😅
So to y’all out there: remember to #reuse / #repurpose / #recycle / don’t throw stuff that works, fix things before buying new ones, if you don’t use something give it away to someone who will etc etc 💚
#arturia #midicontroller #reuse #repurpose #recycle
I love this drone sequencer/ midi controller!:
Video is a detailed walkthrough
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#iosmusic #midicontroller #sequencer
#sqsl #latch #iosmusic #midicontroller #sequencer
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit ersten Schritten beim #arturia MiniLab MK2? Gibt es eine bessere Software dazu als Ableton Live Lite? Anyone? #midicontroller
Anyone used the Roland Gaia with Logic Pro? Checking it out as a potential desk station controller. #LogicPro #midi #MidiController #synthesizer #keyboard #MusicProduction #IndieMusic #IndieMusician #roland #synth #music
#logicpro #midi #midicontroller #synthesizer #keyboard #musicproduction #indiemusic #indiemusician #roland #synth #music
Nanoaetherphone Is a Special MIDI Controller #midicontroller #MusicalHacks #theremin #music #midi
#midicontroller #musicalhacks #theremin #music #midi
Nanoaetherphone Is a Special MIDI Controller - MIDI controllers can be simple straightforward keyboards, or wild magical devices ... - #midicontroller #musicalhacks #theremin #music #midi
#midi #music #theremin #musicalhacks #midicontroller
Current state: trying to come up with a syntax & strategy for serial comms daisychained over single (split) UART. Master Tx > Rcvr1 Rx > Rcvr1 Tx > Rcvr2 Rx > Rcvr2 Tx > Master Rx. To allow for a dynamically expandable surface that detects all options on the receivers over UART, with only master talking USB-MIDI to host PC… #vcvrack #midicontroller #virtualcablecontroller
#vcvrack #midicontroller #virtualcablecontroller
Still looking for a suitable panel for the sockets, but in the meantime… #vcvrack #RaspberryPiPico #midicontroller #circuitpython
#vcvrack #RaspberryPiPico #midicontroller #circuitpython