Call me a stickler, but when it comes to #MIDITiming, I'll go with people like #Midronome who measure it in nanoseconds and not microseconds, ta!
#dawshaveshitmiditiming #midijitter #midronome #miditiming
BEST NEW 'LECTRONIC BLEEPY BLOOPY GEAR I HAVE BOUGHT IN 2023 (so far) (Retrokits RK-008) (Polyend Play)
It's really a GREAT time for hardware sequencers, at lots of different prices.
We can leave the crappy DAW timing where it belongs, IN THE SHITTER!
#dawsareshitatmidi #miditiming #midijitter #musicproduction
Look what arrived todaaay!!
60,000 x more precise than DAW MIDI clock!
#dawshaveshitmiditiming #midijitter #midronome
Thought you might like these #MIDI #sequencer vids:
Do you see what I mean about 16ths with this doodad? :ablobcool:
#modernosesarerubbish #shitdaws #miditiming #midijitter #sequencer #midi
Currently, this is the tightest MIDI sequencer I use:
16th hi hats on there are a joy to hear. You *know* where they're going to be and then they're there.
#80smiditiming #retrokitsrk08 #miditiming #midijitter
@simon_greenwood @xenogon @alisynthesis @leighsmith @PaulDavisTheFirst @synths
I was more talking about MIDI jitter and the mad state we're in where a decdes-old Atari ST sounds tighter than a modern DAW.
This is a good page if you're as obsessed with '80s timing as I am:
And the general shonkiness of MIDI clock from DAWs is why products like this exist:
#midisequencing #atarist #midijitter
I remember loving OS 9.2.1 so much that I have it frozen on a G4 Power Mac upstairs. Every now and then, I get it out and have a tinker.
If MacOS keeps going the way it's going in regards to #MIDIJitter I may have to resurrect it full-time. 😢
Eh, this is a problematic question for me as I'm currently moving away from DAWs for #MIDISequencing, I'm trialling an #MPCX or I might even go back to my #AtariST.
But, at the moment I'm using #StudioOne with #AggregateAudio stacking a #PresonusQuantum and #BehringerX32 for my outboard.
One day, I'll get back to the timing I had in the '90s... one day...
#midijitter #behringerx32 #presonusquantum #aggregateaudio #studioone #atarist #mpcx #midisequencing
will no-one rid me of this turbulent MIDI jitter?
#miditiming #midi #musicaltiming #midijitter
@scops @byteshift69 @ActionRetro
The #G4 was the last #Mac with decent #MIDITiming. One of them with a #Unitor or #AMT8 = not bad. Not as good as an #AtariST but not bad.
It's been a slalom downhill since then, particularly with #LogicPro
Nowadays, #MacOs is too busy with I dunno what to even bother with #MIDITimestamping
I miss #Emagic. It's a damn shame what Apple have done to #Logic.
#MusicProduction #DAWSAreShite #MIDIJitter #TrySummingToZero #ShittyTiming #Bloatware
#bloatware #shittytiming #trysummingtozero #midijitter #dawsareshite #musicproduction #logic #emagic #miditimestamping #macos #logicpro #atarist #amt8 #unitor #miditiming #mac #g4
You know the most awesome thing - it gives you #AtariST #MIDITiming on a tiny new box that was HDMI and USB.
If I had the chops, I'd write a new MIDI sequencer for it and sell it as the #MIDIJitter - free solution to the shonky timing of current #DAWs
Sadly, I am very much NOT a coder hehehe
#daws #midijitter #miditiming #atarist