#VinceClarke on the #BBCMicro on its 40th anniversary:
#midisequencer #umi2b #bbcmicro #vinceclarke
All I want is a #DAW with the MIDI timing tightness of an #AtariST, a computer born 38 years ago.
Why have things got way, way worse instead of way, way better?
I'm currently trying to rewire/rejig my whole studio so I can address all hardware from my Atari (or other #MIDISequencer).
I would rather be making music.
No wonder motherfuckers love #ReNoise 😢
#renoise #midisequencer #atarist #daw
PicoStepSeq Is Small But Perfectly Formed - The Paspberry Pi Pico is what you might call the board of the moment, thanks to it... - https://hackaday.com/2022/08/20/picostepseq-is-small-but-perfectly-formed/ #raspberrypipico #midisequencer #musicalhacks #midi
#midi #musicalhacks #midisequencer #raspberrypipico
PicoStepSeq Is Small But Perfectly Formed
#RaspberryPiPico #midisequencer #MusicalHacks #midi
#RaspberryPiPico #midisequencer #MusicalHacks #midi
Rosegarden 20.06 Open-Source MIDI and Audio Sequencer Arrives with New Features, Fixes
#midisequencer #MIDIeditor #rosegarden #daw