Jyoti Mishra · @Jyoti
1388 followers · 8687 posts · Server mas.to

@simon_greenwood @xenogon @alisynthesis @leighsmith @PaulDavisTheFirst @synths

I was more talking about MIDI jitter and the mad state we're in where a decdes-old Atari ST sounds tighter than a modern DAW.

This is a good page if you're as obsessed with '80s timing as I am:


And the general shonkiness of MIDI clock from DAWs is why products like this exist:


#midisequencing #atarist #midijitter

Last updated 1 year ago

Jyoti Mishra · @Jyoti
988 followers · 4853 posts · Server mas.to


Eh, this is a problematic question for me as I'm currently moving away from DAWs for , I'm trialling an or I might even go back to my .

But, at the moment I'm using with stacking a and for my outboard.

One day, I'll get back to the timing I had in the '90s... one day...


#midijitter #behringerx32 #presonusquantum #aggregateaudio #studioone #atarist #mpcx #midisequencing

Last updated 2 years ago