Taking the granddaughter to see #Santa on the #MidlandsRailway #SantaTrain!
#santa #midlandsrailway #santatrain
Okay, here's a yell out into the Fediverse:
Does anyone else miss #IndietracksFestival as much as I do?
Is there any way, in this post-Covid world, of bringing it back slowly? Say, starting with just one all-dayer?
Is anyone in touch with the last organisers? Would they be able to help?
I have a lot of great memories: https://www.flickr.com/search/?user_id=66849771%40N00&sort=date-posted-desc&text=indietracks&view_all=1
#Indietracks #Indiepop #DIY #Twee #SarahRecords #UKIndie #MidlandsRailway #Butterley
#butterley #midlandsrailway #ukindie #sarahrecords #twee #diy #indiepop #indietracks #indietracksfestival