Connecting to remote machine through ssh+mc without using password #ssh #midnightcommander
@HopelessDemigod yeah, #MidnightCommander does the same...
@HopelessDemigod you mean #NortonCommander ?
Well, #MidnightCommander still exists to this day as #TUI application and is even shipped with #RetroPie...
#retropie #tui #midnightcommander #nortoncommander
When you have the #midnightcommander installed, then checking the content of a deb file is as easy as navigating on the file system.
In the attached screenshot (from upper left to lower right)
1 – a deb file on the filesystem
2 – move the selection on the deb file and press ENTER, you see the directory CONTENTS
3 – enter the CONTENTS directory, and it shows the structure of the files in the deb archive
4 – enter a directory below CONTENTS, you can access the files like on local filesystem
thousand times sweared on #midnightcommander's extension-handling. 1001 now on #mc 4.8.29 for changing the file-format with no (debian bookworm) warning or offer for conversion. damn the nerves i put into the '3.x'-file. no i don't want to open .flac in audacity per default when a simple player like mpv is installed. narf narf narf
About a month ago I encountered an unfortunate performance degradation in mcedit: when you paste very long line (~50K) it takes visible time to process the paste:
I took it as an opportunity to give vim a second chance. Turns out ~/.vimrc I kept around for decades was actively corrupting text files. Once I fixed it vim became quite usable!
I dumped a bit of editor history I had into the
#midnightcommander #mcedit #vim
Midnight Commander Guide that I find very helpful. #linux #mc #MidnightCommander
@birnim My preferences evolved over 20 years. 🙂
Window manager: #WindowMaker -> #Fluxbox -> #FVWM -> #xmonad -> #i3wm.
#tmux replaced #screen at some point, just a nicer UI.
In the past I used #midnightcommander more, until #ranger came along, I like #vi bindings.
Browser: #NetscapeNavigator -> #Mozilla -> #Firefox -> #GoogleChrome -> #Firefox.
#vim is used the longest on the list.
I tend to stick to what's available on #DebianStable, so I didn't try #neovim for some time. I might try it.
#neovim #debianstable #vim #googlechrome #Firefox #mozilla #netscapenavigator #vi #ranger #midnightcommander #screen #tmux #i3wm #xmonad #fvwm #fluxbox #windowmaker
The set of tools in my #FLOSS IDE has been consistent for about 10 years now:
- #Debian as the #Linux distribution of choice, on desktop, laptop and server
- #i3wm as the window manager
- #xterm as the terminal emulator
- #tmux as the terminal multiplexer
- #vim as the text editor
- #firefox as the web browser, with #vimium extension of course
- #ranger as my preferred file manager, I use #midnightcommander for some things like archives
- #ssh and #sshfs for remote work
- #git for versioning
#git #sshfs #ssh #midnightcommander #ranger #vimium #Firefox #vim #tmux #xterm #i3wm #Linux #debian #floss
#MidnightCommander un gestor de dos paneles para la #terminal
Comparativa con #Ranger
#ranger #terminal #midnightcommander #softwarelibre
#MidnightCommander un gestor de dos paneles para la #terminal
Comparativa con #Ranger
#ranger #terminal #midnightcommander #softwarelibre
Today's bug: mcedit linear complexity performance in adding a character to currently edited line.
Does not sound like a lot if we type one character at a time into a small file. But that makes text chunk insertion an quadratic complexity operation. Is it a lot?
Today I pasted 35KB line from clip buffer into an empty file and it took 40 seconds. I'd say It's a lot.
Upstream report: . Probably not hard to fix. Do you want to give it a try? :)
@lolzac For easier navigation essentially. A habbit of mine since #MidnightCommander . Every pane has its own tabs, so when you're moving/copying files or stuff in between, it becomes quite easy instead of navigating, or you can keep tabs open and grouped depending on your work flow.
Travel back in time with the mc file manager on Linux | #midnightcommander #filemanager
#midnightcommander #filemanager
#Xfce 4.18 is already available in #ArchLinux. That was quick!
The changes are subtle, but welcome. My personal favorite? Split view in Thunar, at long last. Silly, I know, but it’s a feature I’ve come to rely on in most DEs.
I know, I know, I could use #MidnightCommander. Sometimes I do! But most of the time, I just wanna drag some files into another folder without fuss.
#xfce #archlinux #midnightcommander
Was nutzt ihr denn so, wenn ihr mal haufenweise Dateien kopiert/verschiebt, Verzeichnisse umstrukturiert und all son Zeugs?
Für kleine Sachen nutze ich meist #Dolphin.
Wenns aber "professionell" sein soll, dann den #MidnightCommander in einer #tmux Session.
#dolphin #midnightcommander #tmux #linux #cli #kde
@Albert180 Ohja, #rclone ist auch super für Backups, und kann auch transparent verschlüsseln. Integration in den #midnightcommander vermisse ich noch…
Sometimes not sure whether your shell is in reality a #MidnightCommander-subshell on CTRL-O-fullscreen? MC exposes envvars you can test:
[ ! -z "$MC_SID" ] && PROMPT="%F{red}MC!%f"$PROMPT
prefixes a red 'MC!' to the prompt
(for bash replace PROMPT by PS1 and omit the %-directives/replace with ansi-escapes)
Double Commander: #linux #foss #filemanager #doublecommander #midnightcommander #alternative
#linux #foss #filemanager #doublecommander #midnightcommander #alternative