Und damit hätten wir 2. Tag der #Gamescom hinter uns. Heute gab's bei mir auf #Steam einiges an #Noir, Detektiv- und Rätselspaß vom #IndieArenaBooth, featuring:
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#IndieGame #IndieGames #detective #puzzle #VideoGames #Gaming #IndieGaming #Gamescom2023
#gamescom #steam #noir #indiearenabooth #thedarkestfiles #haumaadetectivenoirstory #midnightgirl #indiegame #indiegames #detective #puzzle #videogames #gaming #indiegaming #gamescom2023
RT @ItalicDK
#TheSilentAge is now on sale as part of the GOG Puzzle & Adventure bundle, among other great titles. (I was the game director/artist/composer on The Silent Age, and it has a similar vibe and gameplay as #MidnightGirl).
Check it out, it's like 4 Euros!