Les pro démocratie devraient en prendre note. #midtermelection2022 #democracy #democracies
#midtermelection2022 #democracy #democracies
In my youth: to trump meant breaking wind. I wonder whether it still means the same. #MidtermElection2022
The above means that the GOP Is one more seat away from securing 218 seats, and control of the House of Representatives (if they vote unanimously for their speaker).
#midtermelection2022 #midterm2022results #electon
@stux over here in the US, peeps are pretty happy and posting a lot. :) #MidtermElection2022
This is what accountability looks like. We can't say we are a democracy and then elect people who want to run all over it to grab the power they can't obtain through legitimate means. #MidtermElection2022
Yes 👍 3..2..1 bis #Haintz Verschwörung und Wahlfälschung wieder wittert. Wetten?
RT @Graf_Fencheltee@twitter.com
Die Demokraten behalten ihre Mehrheit im US-Senat! #midtermelection2022 (Screenshot: Washington Post)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Graf_Fencheltee/status/1591644367173058561
RT @Graf_Fencheltee@twitter.com
Die Demokraten behalten ihre Mehrheit im US-Senat! #midtermelection2022 (Screenshot: Washington Post)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Graf_Fencheltee/status/1591644367173058561
I am anxious today. A hurricane coming, kids’ school was cancelled. Waiting on the results of our country’s fate. Littlest one, who just started immune suppression meds, isn’t feeling well. Too many appointments. General ennui.
Solution: read fantasy fiction, meditate, nap, consume unhealthy amounts of chocolate, snuggles.
#Anxious #HurricaneNicole #MouthFetish #AutoImmuneDisease #MidtermElection2022 #MastoArt #Artist #IndieArtist
#indieartist #Artist #MastoArt #midtermelection2022 #autoimmunedisease #mouthfetish #hurricanenicole #anxious
Slavery Rejected In Some, Not All, States Where On Ballot
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/midterm-election-2022-slavery-ballot-measure_n_636b8932e4b03438613e9fb3 #MidtermElection2022
Woke up confused. Is the US okay or fucked? There appears to be no consensus. #MidtermElection2022 #Vote #voteblue #wtfhappened
#wtfhappened #VoteBlue #Vote #midtermelection2022
Abortion rights were on the ballot in these states. Here’s what voters decided
https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/09/politics/abortion-rights-2022-midterms/index.html #MidtermElection2022
#MidtermElection2022 can't yet be called, but I'm seeing a number of projections for the Democrats to narrowly hold the Senate. If right, then it's a welcome kick in the pant to Trump/Maga, and an amazing win for Dems, but a door opening wider for the very dangerous deSantis, who is more skilled at culture war division and (sadly) isn't so mired in criminal cases and imminently on his way to prison.
#California will be the deciding factor…
House Midterm Elections 2022
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-elections/house-results #MidtermElection2022
#california #midtermelection2022
When it comes to a somewhat mysterious individual of “Florida man”, the line between the reality and satire continues to be thin. #MidtermElection2022
I really need to be in bed and not watching CNN and following election live feeds ... There's something about US elections that's gripping. In 2020 I didn't have to get up for work in the morning, thankfully in 2022 I do. Not sure I'll be so thankful when the alarm goes off though #midtermelection2022
Watching the US election results feels like watching a relative on the verge of a relapse. #MidtermElection2022 #midtermelections #rubio #seriously
#seriously #rubio #midtermelections #midtermelection2022