Almost Twice as Many #Republicans Died From #COVID Before the #Midterms Than Democrats
Its a thing that keeps showing up again and again: every single state that backslid had either damning demographics + poverty + relictual blue state, or were disfunctional shitshow state parties/major personalities (NY, FL...and SC)
Cunningham coulda been another Harrison doing what needed to be done to help.
He chose the opposite.
#Biden #midterms #nolabels #democrats #southcarolina
What happened in 2022 #midterms is funny because all #Republicans had to do was ask the Supreme Court to backtrack their Roe v. Wade decisions and the red wave would’ve happened. But they couldn’t admit fault, so they shot themselves in the foot. #Abortion is a long standing bipartisan issue, and the fact they didn’t see that shows how deluded and detached that party is from its voters and the working class.
#midterms #republicans #abortion
#Republicans got their asses handed to them in TWO historical #elections, back to back, that should have been easy wins for them and yet they still seem hellbent on being anti-#abortion and anti-#LGBT. Like, I hate to break it to y’all, but the overturning of #RoevWade is 1000% the reason so many young people showed up to vote in the #MidTerms, and anti-LGBT policies is the reason why #Michigan is sitting with its first entirely blue state government for the first time in decades. You can support #guns, you can support #capitalism, you can be anti-#union, but even your own #voters are getting extremely tired of the constant basic #HumanRights upheavals, and it’s starting to show in the voting numbers. If they don’t make some fundamental changes to what that party is, it won’t be long before they never hold any meaningful amount of power in this country ever again.
#republicans #elections #abortion #lgbt #RoeVWade #midterms #michigan #guns #capitalism #union #voters #humanrights
🤣 Si ça continue, il faudra que ça cesse ! Didier Maïsto #Politique #USA #Midterms
Fingers point, criticism
War inside the state party
Electoral losses spark pain
#democrats #newyork #midterms #civilwar #cinquain #poetry
#democrats #midterms #cinquain #poetry #newyork #civilwar
😡 On n’est pas en dictature ! Didier Maïsto #Politique #USA #Midterms!:e9fac1b65503906678285e1b6b434ecf4094baa6
Votes matter
Midterms won
#democrats #midterms #votesmatter #power #governing #cinquain #poetry
#cinquain #poetry #votesmatter #power #governing #democrats #midterms
Almost Twice as Many #Republicans Died From #COVID Before the #Midterms Than #Democrats
#democrats #midterms #covid #republicans
Bruce Bourgoine @BruceBourgoine
The #GOP takes over the reigns of power in the United States House of Representatives after winning the #Midterms in 2022.
#gop #midterms #resist #mepolitics #voteblue #gopindisarray
The #midterms ended with many of the most high-profile election deniers going down in defeat
But internal polls show the issue resonated with voters — and the White House and #Democrats have no plans to let go of it as they approach the runway of 2024.
According to a deep dive #analysis by @brookingsinst — young voters were a key demographic group responsible for wiping out the so called "red wave" falsely predicted by pundits & rigged, partisan polls #midterms #data
Das Chaos, das zum Jahresanfang das Geschehen in der #Republikanischen Fraktion im #Repräsentantenhaus in Washington bestimmt, hat selbst in dem tumultreichen Washingtoner Politzirkus Seltenheitswert: Die Partei, die bei den #Midterms eine knappe Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus davongetragen hat, schafft es in mehreren Durchgängen nicht, den Sprecher der Kammer zu wählen
#undemokratische #chaoten #republikanischen #reprasentantenhaus #midterms
Metal detectors removed from outside the House chamber #midterms #USA
Le Congrès fait sa rentrée aux #EtatsUnis 🇺🇸. Les nouveaux membres, élus lors des #MidTerms de novembre, prêtent serment ce mardi. ➡️ Tour d'horizon des personnalités à suivre