At #midwestclinic in Chicago. Looking forward to catching up with some old friends near and far
It’s the most wonderful time of year for this #BandGeekForLife. The #MidwestClinic is this week and I’m heading down there today. I fell in love with band from the first full rehearsal in 4th grade; 40 years and 3 music degrees later I still love it. I may no longer be a #BandDirector but I’ll keep playing in band until they pull my withered corpse out of the flute section.
#ConcertBand #WindEnsemble #Flute #KeepMusicInTheSchools
#bandgeekforlife #midwestclinic #banddirector #ConcertBand #windensemble #flute #keepmusicintheschools
Ah yes, being underslept at the airport, one of my fave pastimes. #yyj to #yvr to #ord. Anybody else going to the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic? #midwestclinic
Hey #Chicago, where is the #jazz happening this week? I’m in town for a conference at McCormick #midwestclinic #ord
#chicago #jazz #midwestclinic #ord