Latest post: Ignoring the law legally. #clarencethomas #mifepriston
The whole situation with federal judges just canceling each other's rulings on #Mifepriston would be kind of hilarious if their actions didn't have real-world consequences for my own #ReproductiveRights. The law is arbitrary and is only ever interpreted or applied to serve those in power and it's funny how so many people are realizing that with the contradictory #MedicationAbortion decisions. But in the end, those of us with uteruses who may need abortions are the ones who are stuck fearing for our #BodilyAutonomy.
From Slate, "The FDA Should Not Enforce the 5th Circuit's Indefensible #AbortionPill Decision:"
#ReproductiveJustice #AbortionIsAHumanRight #AbortionIsHealthcare
#mifepriston #reproductiverights #medicationabortion #bodilyautonomy #abortionpill #reproductivejustice #abortionisahumanright #abortionishealthcare
If you don't think #Kacsmaryk intentionally held this decision to release it at the end of a Friday on a holiday weekend after the GOP disgraced themselves on an epic level this week, then you haven't been paying attention.
However, DC was ready for it this time and immediately filed a 7 day stay.
#Mifepriston #AbortionRights
#AbortionRights #mifepriston #kacsmaryk