Caduceus Clay joins Sideshow's Mighty Nein Collection #criticalrole #mightnein
While I'm excited for the Mighty Nein Returns two-parter, I kind of wish Taliesin Jaffe was playing Caduceus instead of Kingsley. Sure Kingsley is basically a blank slate, but Caduceus was pretty much the glue that held the MN together and he was one of my favs (he's also my favorite Jaffe character). I really didn't have much attachment to Mollymauk either (often amusing, terrible mechanically). #CriticalRole #MightNein
RT @cypheroftyr
Got home from Gen Con to a little surprise gift from @TheOpGames Time to see whodunit with @CriticalRole Clue!
#TheOpPartner #TheOpGames #CriticalRole #MightNein #CriticalRoleClue
#theoppartner #TheOPGames #criticalrole #mightnein #criticalroleclue