I don't know if he's a good guy, but watching #BenCarr, the dancing guy from #MightyMightyBosstones, just makes me smile
#bencarr #mightymightybosstones #ska
The #Spotify #AI #DJ is not that good. First couple tracks align with what I listen to, then it goes to #ska and #bands like #ReelBigFish and #MightyMightyBosstones, which I have never listened to on the #app. Or really listened to my entire life.
(For the record, I don’t like ska at all. I’d rather listen to #country.)
#spotify #ai #dj #ska #bands #reelbigfish #mightymightybosstones #app #country
DJ Cummerbund put out another banger. #Music #DJCummerbund #Mashup #TaylorSwift #MightyMightyBosstones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FevnAlmDCMI
#music #djcummerbund #mashup #taylorswift #mightymightybosstones
If #KIϟϟ is so great, why not INTERKOURϟE?
If The #MightyMightyBosstones are good, why not The Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Bosstones?
If #MinorThreat is good why not Major Menace?
If #ChildishGambino is good why not Mature Cosa Nostra?
If #TheSpecials are good why not The Exceptionals?
If #KOAndTheKnockouts are good why not TBI & the Traumatic Brain Injury?
If #YoLaTengo is good, why not Yo Tengo Todo?
If #JonathanRichman is good, why not Jonathan PostWealthSocietyEnby?
If #RebaMcEntire is too much, try Reba McPartial
If the #PsychedelicFurs are too much try Microdose Faux
If the #Beatles are too much, try the Gruabs
#kiϟϟ #mightymightybosstones #minorthreat #childishgambino #thespecials #YoLaTengo #jonathanrichman #rebamcentire #PsychedelicFurs #beatles #koandtheknockouts
There are probably more I can't remember
#deeppurple #foreigner #uglykidjoe #nin #rogerwaters #shinedown #overkill #testament #whitesnake #rush #tarja #forenceandthemachine #ironmaiden #acdc #annkevangiersbergen #trillium #trivium #rageagainstthemachine #janesaddiction #machinehead #skunkannansie #slayer #mightymightybosstones #rodrigoygabriella #fivefingerdeathpunch #sabaton #grandmagus #kobraandthelotus #archenemy #alicecooper #halestorm #amonamarth #tragicallyhip #queensryche #anthrax