MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
720 followers · 18489 posts · Server
MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
354 followers · 11186 posts · Server

This holiday season we need to create extra to bomb the children of and other places, and increase the .


We in need more to for us in the hospitality industry. Bars and pub owners are complaining that they are expecting a "busy ."

Forget — or just reducing !

We'sa got'sa to do.

#christmas #weapons #yemen #economicsanctions #australia #migrantWorkers #cook #holidayseason #covid #humantrafficking #immigration #exploitation #cooks #workerExploitation #refugeeProduction #hospitality #auspol

Last updated 3 years ago

Stop driving though our posh suburb yelling . We are and don't pay taxes so people like you die in on near .

We went to great lengths to suppress so we don't see or hear about you precious being . ""? Pfft whatever. We live in luxury courtesy of and producing quality and - and love .

Keep your ethics off our street!

#FreeJulianAssange #extremelyWealthy #highrise #slums #airpollution #corporatemedia #journalism #onTrial #TrialOfTheCentury #bombing #refugees #migrantWorkers #weaponsManufacturing

Last updated 4 years ago

If printed on newspaper, add to you heap.

(Do not wipe your bottom with .)

Many people lie about who they're voting for - most people are scared to admit that they percieve themselves as . Yes, an , often , believe they're rich.

The (aka , ) use to scare people towards against their interests - before every they scream, "".

#compost #newspaper #wealthy #aspirational #workingclass #migrantWorkers #corporatists #owningClass #MurdochEmpire #polls #voting #election #LandslideLeft

Last updated 5 years ago