NOTE: discussion of American chattel enslavement and Holocaust, oppression of refugees and immigrants
Regarding your final question: because anti-Semitism has always made me sick, even as a child, decades before I converted to Islam. Whenever the radio played Wagner in the middle of the night, I would wake with a start from a nightmare. (Eventually I learned to use jazz and easy listening for nighttime dreamscaping.)
Both South African civil rights leaders and Palestinian political leaders have used the term "apartheid." I am satisfied with that consensus. I also view the situation as a slow-moving genocide and territorial theft.
I know what Morrison did to refugees on Nauru and Manus. I followed that situation until trump's viciously racist policies shortened my view to closer to home. (Liberal, my big fat shapeless.)
I also live in a country that has been using concentration camps for depositing immigrants ever since 1996, that was established on other people's lands by committing genocide against them, that grew its vast wealth by kidnapping people in Ghana, Angola, Senegal, and other nations, dragging them half alive across the ocean, and using torture to force them to hard labour in what were essentially concentration camps that we called "plantations." I know that 1865 was essentially meaningless, that many enslavers straight up held their victims in captivity for months to years afterwards in slavery, and thereafter crafted a neoslavery which trapped humans in sharecropping, peonage, convict leasing, etc for generations - and that people were still escaping sharecropping enslavement until at least the 1980s.
Yes. The 1980s. Kind, gentle questioning yields answers.
So it sickens me when someone refers to anything other than the Holocaust using Holocaust terminology. This includes references to KZs by name, to ghettos by name, to mass murderers by name, even the term "kapos." I've turned people in on Twitter for using that slur and seen their accounts suspended as a result.
I am also sickened when people refer to anything other than what we whites did to Black People as slavery. It is part of the reason that we in the States use the term "human trafficking" rather than the more common term "modern slavery."
So no. Keep those horrific words out of your mouth unless you are discussing 1930s and 1940s Europe (or, conversely, 17th to 20th-century white enslavement of Black People). It is unbecoming, minimises other people's suffering, and bigoted.
And I will report it.
#Wagner, that fucking anti-Semitic jackass
#holocaust #antisemitism #racism #slavery #humantrafficking #immigrants #migrantdetentioncenters #concentrationcamps #wagner
Remember when you all said "Never Again?" Never Again is now. This is it. The concentration camps already exist. Biden is threatening to fill them with Black People, Indigenous People, and LatinX People.
#biden #trump #migrantdetentioncenters #immigration #border #racism #xenophobia #concentrationcamps #fascism #uspol #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #dosomethingdammit