“A long-term solution requires Canada to create more pathways to permanent residency, and move away from its dependence on the labour of migrants whose lives are held in precarity by design.” #cdnpoli #cdnag #canlab #farmlabour #migrantjustice #nooneisillegal https://rabble.ca/politics/canadian-politics/undocumented-workers-still-waiting-for-the-status-they-were-promised/
#cdnpoli #cdnag #canlab #farmlabour #migrantjustice #nooneisillegal
Oh Chicago police officers, men of the law
You're now under investigation's door
What exploitation of power
To bring women's lives lower
And you must face the justice for sure
#chicagopd #policemisconduct #sexualmisconduct #migrantjustice #ode #poetry
#chicagopd #policemisconduct #sexualmisconduct #migrantjustice #ode #poetry
The scales of #ClimateJustice
#MigrantJustice is #ClimateJustice
#ClimateEmergency #RefugeesWelcome
photo by Cathy Allen
#refugeeswelcome #climateemergency #migrantjustice #climatejustice
Natalie Bennett, #GreenParty peer, speaking outside the #HomeOffice as part of #TheBigOne #climate demo
#MigrantJustice is #ClimateJustice
#ClimateEmergency, #RefugeesWelcome
Video by Philippa
#refugeeswelcome #climateemergency #climatejustice #migrantjustice #climate #thebigone #homeoffice #greenparty
Lottie from Care for Calais speaks out, outside the #HomeOffice, as part of #TheBigOne #climate demo.
#MigrantJustice is #ClimateJustice
Photo by Lynda
#climatejustice #migrantjustice #climate #thebigone #homeoffice
There are people under those shrouds: human stories, families, lives like yours and mine.
#MigrantJustice is #ClimateJustice
Demonstration outside the #HomeOffice today, part of the #TheBigOne
Photo by Lynda
#climateemergency #thebigone #homeoffice #climatejustice #migrantjustice
Think you’ll avoid the #ClimateEmergency?
Think again.
Shrouds outside the #HomeOffice, part of #TheBigOne #climate demo
#climatejustice #migrantjustice #climate #thebigone #homeoffice #climateemergency
Bodies in shrouds outside the #HomeOffice this morning, part of #TheBigOne #climate demo.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman walks past the bodies, blaming the weak to protect the strong.
#RefugeesWelcome #ClimateJustice #MigrantJustice #ClimateEmergency
Photo by Philippa
#climateemergency #migrantjustice #climatejustice #refugeeswelcome #climate #thebigone #homeoffice
When faced with multiple crises, this World Day for #SocialJustice reminds us that our fight for #climatejustice involves many intersecting issues. Let’s take opportunities to foster cross-boundary dialogues and build a coalition for justice ✊
#ClimateJustice #RacialJustice #GenderJustice #HousingJustice #FoodJustice #LabourJustice #MigrantJustice #AgeJustice #DisabilityJustice #LandJustice #WaterJustice #EnergyJustice #IndigneousJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #AnimalJustice #YouthJustice ...
#socialjustice #ClimateJustice #racialjustice #GenderJustice #housingjustice #foodjustice #labourjustice #migrantjustice #agejustice #DisabilityJustice #landjustice #WaterJustice #energyjustice #indigneousjustice #environmentaljustice #AnimalJustice #youthjustice
#Introduction Another #TwitterMigration pioneer, living in #Pittsburgh #AlleghenyCounty. Interested in ecology of all sorts (human and all our far-flung neighbors on the tangled tree of life.) #communitybuilding #science #nature
#environmentaljustice #urbanagriculture #foodsovereignty #gardening #publictransit #housing #racialjustice #migrantjustice #symbiosis #accessibility
#humanrights #animalrights #trees #fungi #animalcommunication #sciencefiction #nonfiction #writing #creativenonfiction
#creativenonfiction #writing #nonfiction #sciencefiction #animalcommunication #fungi #trees #animalrights #humanrights #accessibility #symbiosis #migrantjustice #racialjustice #housing #publictransit #gardening #foodsovereignty #urbanagriculture #environmentaljustice #nature #science #communitybuilding #AlleghenyCounty #pittsburgh #twittermigration #introduction
RT @asiannomad@twitter.com
#decrim is #economicjustice
#decrim is #migrantjustice
#decrim is #racialjustice
#decrim is #genderjustice
#decrim is a CRUCIAL step, as we collectively fuel up our passion, love, and resources to truly combat exploitation, violence, and #HumanTrafficking https://twitter.com/melissagira/status/1137875033093812224
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/asiannomad/status/1137898543140810752
#decrim #economicjustice #migrantjustice #racialjustice #genderjustice #humantrafficking
RT @CISPES@twitter.com
"No extent of reform can humanize an agency designed to criminalize migrants, deny their humanity, and profit off their detention and suffering. So #AbolishICE activists want to shut it down."
Lila Downs has a new album out! Al Chile. #mexican. #MexicanAmerican #immigration. #clandestinos. #refugees #MigrantJustice
Lila Downs Talks Immigration, Politics and Identity "Al Chile" https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/lila-downs-talks-immigration-politics-and-identity-al-chile.
#mexican #mexicanamerican #immigration #clandestinos #refugees #migrantjustice