Archives in/of Transit: Historical Perspectives from the 1930s to the Present
Workshop at University of Southern California, Los Angeles
28/29 June 2024
@histodons @historikerinnen @archivistodon
#Archives #Libraries #ContemporaryHistory #MigrationHistory #TransnationalHistory #Exile #Refugees #histknow
Convenors: GHI Washington et al.
#histknow #Refugees #exile #transnationalhistory #migrationhistory #contemporaryhistory #libraries #archives #histodons #callforpapers
A recording of Diane Hall's QUB #IrishStudies Annual Lecture on #Australians in Ireland, 1880-1925 is now available at: #IrishHistory #MigrationHistory
#irishstudies #australians #irishhistory #migrationhistory
Migration in der Moderne: Systeme – Wege – Erfahrungen – Konflikte
Call for Papers für Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (AfS), Band 64 (2024)
Einsendeschluss: 5. Juni 2023
Tagung: 23./24.10.2023
#Migration #Migrationsgeschichte #MigrationHistory
#migrationhistory #Migrationsgeschichte #migration #histodons #callforpapers
We are putting together an edited volume on refugees and exiles in the British Empire from the 1810s to the 1940s. See CFP in pic below or via the link. Please distribute widely. #historians #histodons #callforpapers #BritishEmpire #migrationhistory
#historians #histodons #callforpapers #britishempire #migrationhistory
University Lecturer in Migration History (0,8 fte) — Leiden University Institute for History
#MigrationHistory with an emphasis on the period after 1900
Deadline for applications: 27 January 2023
Doctorante en histoire contemporaine à l'ENS de Lyon, je travaille sur l'histoire du travail britannique -- plus exactement sur le colportage et le travail itinérant de la fin du XIXe au milieu du XXe.
PhD student @ENS de Lyon, economy of makeshifts, door-to-door trading in Britain, and Onion Johnnies enthusiast. Interested #labourhistory and #migrationhistory. Currenlty based in Brussels for some reason, and avid NL learner.
#introduction #labourhistory #migrationhistory #histodons #Histodon #histoire #history #shs
Mourning the loss of one of our brightest stars. Tuesday I’m teaching @philippahether. I think that’s the best way to honor her from someone like me. #histodons #soviethistory #migrationhistory #womenshistory
#histodons #soviethistory #migrationhistory #WomensHistory