It's my last work day of 2022! Such a delight of a realization. Looking forward to having a chunk of time off from work.
Time off agenda:
- Carmel-by-the-Sea for the holiday weekend
- Clean the house
- Binge watch something #MiguelÁngelSilvestre, probably Velvet?
- Go to the movies and maybe see Avatar
- Read a whole book
- Check out the new bar that opened up in town
I'll probably spend too much time online as well. Ha!
And here's my 2020 NaNoWriMo Muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre, just because
Monday musings!
- I'm glad to be here because no one from work is here
- A friend is reading my story and lo, she likes it! She's also picturing me as the main female character. I don't mind as long as she's also picturing #MiguelÁngelSilvestre as the main male character
- Now I need to write the story where #BenBarnes plays the main fella
- #BlackAdam was just okay. The best part was Sarah Shahi rightfully giving the "heroes" the business. Oh, and that mid-credit scene was too short...
#miguelangelsilvestre #benbarnes #blackadam
Friday musings...
- I've hit 50k words on #NaNoWriMo! The story isn't finished yet though so I must keep writing.
- I'm bummed that we're already coming up to the weekend because it means back to work on Monday.
- I signed up for another instance and I'm toying with moving from this one to that one OR keeping this one and also using that one. I love having options!
And how much do I adore my Muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre?
#nanowrimo #miguelangelsilvestre
It's Tuesday!
My #NaNoWriMo pace has SLOWED way too much and yet here I am posting here. I'm great at procrastinating!
I'm on my Chromebook and using an Android app right just for fun. (Tusky, if you're curious.)
I've got the #WorldCup on. #MexVPol No score yet!
And the screenshot I've posted is my Muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre. Of course...
#nanowrimo #worldcup #mexvpol #miguelangelsilvestre
You know what rocks? Waking up on Monday morning without an alarm and not needing to get ready to be out the door and at work at 8 AM.
Today's agenda:
- Watch USA v Wales in the #WorldCup
- Write and write and write because my word count has SUFFERED these past several days. Oh #NaNoWriMo
- Figure out yet another social media network just because
- Stop shopping after buying a cute Old Navy overcoat online and pajama bottoms
Y mi musa, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre
#worldcup #nanowrimo #miguelangelsilvestre
It's Saturday night and my #NaNoWriMo has been suffering because I haven't written much since Thursday. Alas!
Got to ride in the new truck today. Still haven't driven it but since it's not mine, I don't mind.
Love this sweater weather! I can wear my hoodies and not worry about getting too hot in the middle of the day. Whew!
Now back to writing! Here's my Muse #MiguelÁngelSilvestre to get me in the mood...
#nanowrimo #miguelangelsilvestre
My week:
Monday - Hubby sends me a pic of a Ford Bronco Sport he thinks looks cool
Tuesday - We watch YT vids of aforementioned vehicle, plus the Toyota Tacoma
Wednesday - We go to the Toyota dealership after work and drive away with a brand new Tacoma!
Hence me not writing many words yesterday for #NaNoWriMo but that's okay because we have a new truck I'll probably hardly ever drive. 😆
And the Muse, in a car. #MiguelÁngelSilvestre
#nanowrimo #miguelangelsilvestre
When #NaNoWriMo is over, I need to:
- Post my regular person review of the #iPhone14ProMax
- Write about what a welcoming space Mastodon has been, discovering new people and realizing that this is the chance to curate a better follow list
- Take stock of my online presence and tighten things up
This is #MiguelÁngelSilvestre in #LosEnviados / #TheEnvoys
#nanowrimo #iPhone14ProMax #miguelangelsilvestre #losenviados #theenvoys
It's Hump Day!
- Wearing green because November is Homeless Youth Awareness Month and I work for a school district
- I'm so close to 40k words for #NaNoWriMo. I'm shooting for 60k just because
- I love sweater weather
- Embarking on this new account has me nostalgic for long ago social media like Pownce. Who remembers Pownce?
And here's my Muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre as Moise in #SkyRojo
#nanowrimo #miguelangelsilvestre #SkyRojo
Even if the other site pulls through the madness, I think I'm going to like it here more because I have a chance to curate a tighter list of follows.
I'm enjoying dusting off some of my old website skills. I was able to "verify" myself as owner of my own domain and my tumblr. Nice to know I can still manage that kind of stuff.
I've jumped instances a few times, this one being my third try. It's been a few days now and I'm liking it!
And because I like posting my Muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre...
#MusicMonday #NowPlaying "Muli" - Ace Banzuelo
Today's agenda:
- Work
- Writing - #NaNoWriMo really is my happy place. Ahead of the pace and wonder when/where I will end my story.
The weather is lovely & cool, the way autumn should be.
And here's my #NationalNovelWriting Muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre. Would it be fair to describe his eyes as light brown? Or should I go with hazel?
#musicmonday #nowplaying #nanowrimo #nationalnovelwriting #miguelangelsilvestre
Even though I called it for today's word count for #NaNoWriMo, I'm back on the computer to write more. The words will be part of tomorrow's word count.
#NowPlaying "Wilder Days" - Morgan Wade
I'm already glad I moved to this instance because the "explore" link actually shows posts that are "popular" right now.
And here's my #NationalNovelWritingMonth muse, #MiguelÁngelSilvestre...
#nanowrimo #nowplaying #nationalnovelwritingmonth #miguelangelsilvestre