Latam Insights: El Salvador Launches Pilot to Introduce Bitcoin Content in Schools, Bitso Teams up With Despegar in Argentina - Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto an... - #miprimerbitcoin #bitcoincourses #lataminsights #miguelpesce #diegolabat #elsalvador #argentina #despegar #uruguay #bitso
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Argentina to Expand De-Dollarization Efforts; Seeks Extension of Yuan Based Swap Line With China - The government of Argentina is reportedly seeking to expand its de-dollarization a... - #internationalmonetaryfund(imf) #albertofernandez #cristinakirchner #de-dollarization #dollarreserves #chineseyuan #miguelpesce #sergiomassa #u.s.dollar #economics #argentina #china
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