Japanese beach closed following dolphin attack [video]
"Suishohama Beach in #Mihama, #Japan, has closed from July 21 following a series of dolphin attacks on beachgoers earlier in the week. Curious footage from July 17 captured a bottlenose dolphin appearing to playfully nip a lone swimmer. But the clip has taken a sinister turn after four swimmers were injured the day before in dolphin attacks."
#OrcaRevolution #DolphinRevolution #NoDumping #Fukushima #GeneralStrike #StrikeForMotherEarth
#mihama #japan #orcarevolution #dolphinrevolution #nodumping #fukushima #generalstrike #strikeformotherearth
10 Jahre war Reaktor 3 des #AKW #Mihama nach der Katastrophe von #Fukushima vom Netz, nun soll das 40 Jahre alte #Atomkraftwerk weitere 20 Jahre laufen dürfen. Erstmals entschied ein Gericht in #Japan über die Sicherheit eines so alten Reaktors.
#sicheristnurdasrisiko #atomkraftneindanke #antiatom #japan #atomkraftwerk #fukushima #mihama #akw
Bis zu 70 Jahre Betrieb für jahrzehntealten #Atomreaktor: Japans Energiestrategie setzt auf nächsten #Reaktor-Unfall - https://www.derstandard.de/story/2000141948158/jahrzehntealter-atomreaktor-in-japan-darf-am-netz-bleiben #mihama #fukushima
#fukushima #mihama #reaktor #Atomreaktor
Christmas Eve in Mihama American Village. December 2019. #okinawa #okinawajapan #japan #lostinjapan #lostinoki #okilife #scenic_jp #okinawa_photo_community #opc_teamnikon #exploreokinawa #ilovejapan #beokinawa #nikon #nikonD7200 #photography #nightphotography #christmas #christmaseve #holidays #nightphotography #mihama #americanvillage
#okinawa #okinawajapan #japan #lostinjapan #lostinoki #okilife #scenic_jp #okinawa_photo_community #opc_teamnikon #exploreokinawa #ilovejapan #beokinawa #nikon #nikond7200 #photography #nightphotography #christmas #christmaseve #holidays #mihama #americanvillage