Mike Drop with Mike Madrid · @madrid_mike
371 followers · 110 posts · Server fedified.com

"The potential for Latinas to impact this and every election is undeniable, but numbers alone do not equal political power, and we must engage and invest in Latina voters." Helen Torres

In her op-ed for , Helen Torres, the CEO of Hispanas Organized for Political Equality, outlined why Latinas need to considered as agents of change.



#thelatinovote #mikedropepisode33 #latinopolitics #latinas #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Drop with Mike Madrid · @madrid_mike
371 followers · 110 posts · Server fedified.com

Democrats managed to hold off the predicted red wave and even saw a record of new elected to Congress.

But, as noted in this article, which Mike referred to in the latest episode of , Democrats need to figure out how to rebuild the support of Latino men.

A link to the episode, The Latinization of America, is in the comments.



#gop #latino #democrats #newsweek #mikedrop #mikemadrid #mikedropepisode33 #latinopolitics

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Drop with Mike Madrid · @madrid_mike
371 followers · 110 posts · Server fedified.com

On this week's episode of , Mike goes deep into the weeds to discuss the Latinization of America.

We are undergoing the most profound and significant demographic transformation in our country's history. How is the idea of diversity different now than in the past? How does religion play into the idea of identity? What does this shift mean for the and ?



#mikedrop #gop #democrats #mikemadrid #mikedropepisode33 #latino #latinopolitics #politics

Last updated 2 years ago