42 years ago today:
S9E20: The Life You Save
After Charles is nearly felled by a sniper's bullet, he develops a philosophical obsession with death. Meanwhile, the officers have all been assigned new responsibilities.
Airdate: 1981-05-04
#MASH #AlanAlda #MikeFarrell #GWBailey #CBS #AlanAlda #AlanAlda #Television
#mash #alanalda #mikefarrell #gwbailey #cbs #television
34 years ago:
A Deadly Silence
The father of three children was killed when he left his house. This provokes a lot of sentimental emotions in the neighbourhood because the people know nothing about his dark past.
#ADeadlySilence #MikeFarrell #BruceWeitz #CharlesHaid #ClassicFilm
#adeadlysilence #mikefarrell #bruceweitz #charleshaid #classicfilm
42 years ago today:
S9E19: The Foresight Saga
The 4077th is given a gift of fresh-grown vegetables by a grateful Korean; and Potter questions the veracity of an upbeat letter from Radar.
Airdate: 1981-04-13
#MASH #AlanAlda #MikeFarrell #CBS #TV
#mash #alanalda #mikefarrell #cbs #tv
41 years ago today:
S10E21: That Darn Kid
Klinger buys a goat, with the intention of getting rich by selling it's milk. Then the goat eats the 4077th's $22,340 payroll, leaving paymaster Hawkeye holding the bag. Meanwhile, Charles also thinks he can make a killing when he sees an ancient vase.
Airdate: 1982-04-12
#MASH #AlanAlda #MikeFarrell #GWBailey #CBS #DavidOgdenStiers #ClassicTV
#mash #alanalda #mikefarrell #gwbailey #cbs #davidogdenstiers #classictv
41 years ago today:
S10E20: Picture This
Potter's attempts to assemble the crew for a family portrait are thwarted by a feud between bunkmates Pierce, Hunnicutt, and Winchester. Things are not helped by the efforts of Margaret, Klinger and Mulcahy to bring the Swampmen back together.
Airdate: 1982-04-05
#MASH #AlanAlda #MikeFarrell #CBS #ClassicTV
#mash #alanalda #mikefarrell #cbs #classictv
44 years ago today:
S7E24: Ain't Love Grand
The impossible happens for the snobbish Charles when he shares an emotional experience with Klinger, who discovers a U.S. nurse, Debbie, finds him and his bizarre attire attractive, while Charles succumbs to the exotic charms of a Korean girl, called Sooni, who he meets at Rosie's Bar.
Airdate: 1979-03-05
#MASH #CBS #MikeFarrell #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#mash #cbs #mikefarrell #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
43 years ago today:
S8E17: Heal Thyself
Colonel Potter turns crotchety when he catches the mumps, and his condition is worsened when Winchester gets the same disease and has to be quarantined with him. A temporary replacement surgeon, Newsome, is quickly brought into the 4077th and seems to be a gem in terms of both personality and abilit...
Airdate: 1980-01-14
#MASH #EdwardHerrmann #CBS #MikeFarrell #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries
#mash #edwardherrmann #cbs #mikefarrell #classictv #tv #television #tvseries