@peterrenshaw · @peterrenshaw
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“To one side, concealed behind a plastic screen, technicians monitor on screens, the specifics of their work deemed off-limits to the Observer and a small group of journalists granted rare access to the development “studio” belonging to , the leading force in Japan’s multimillion dollar industry.”

“Clearing the plates and cleaning the tables is also difficult for ,” Sakaguchi said. “But the shortage is making it increasingly hard to find new staff, so we need more . Maybe the answer lies in more robots, but we haven’t got there yet.”

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🍣 🍱🤖🦾 <theguardian.com/world/2023/jan> / image by <instagram.com/p/BSES7nBFM6C/>

#data #computer #sushiro #sushitrain #machines #labour #automation #osaka #japan #robots #sushi #回転寿司 #mikelowerystudio

Last updated 2 years ago