#StarTrekLowerDecks s3e10 (2022) - 10/10
The Stars at Night, written by #MikeMcMahan.
1️⃣ Stellar season finale, with big action sequences and big dramatic moments. Storylines begun in earlier episodes were resolved here.
2️⃣ It played like a live-action drama, and had very few moments that could be considered comedic. The story was basically an updated version of one done on the original Star Trek series a few times.
3️⃣ My 797th episode of #StarTrek, out of 893.
#StarTrekLowerDecks #mikemcmahan #startrek
#StarTrekLowerDecks s3e5 (2022) - 10/10
Reflections, written by #MikeMcMahan.
1️⃣ The two stories complimented each other perfectly. One was funny, but smart and full of easter eggs. The Rutherford storyline was dark and serious. It had some lovely moments that felt like pure Trek. It answered some questions, but raised new ones...
2️⃣ My 766th episode of #StarTrek, out of 889.
#StarTrekLowerDecks #mikemcmahan #startrek
Gizmodo: Solar Opposites Season 4 Looks Like Its Wackiest Yet https://gizmodo.com/solar-opposites-hulu-sci-fi-animation-dan-stevens-1850649479 #christinahendricks #thomasmiddleditch #solaropposites #sterlingkbrown #tiffanyhaddish #seangiambrone #justinroiland #kieranculkin #mikemcmahan #environment #danstevens #joshbycel #marymack #terry
#christinahendricks #thomasmiddleditch #solaropposites #sterlingkbrown #tiffanyhaddish #seangiambrone #justinroiland #kieranculkin #mikemcmahan #environment #danstevens #joshbycel #marymack #terry
Si te gusta #rickandmorty vas a amar esta serie de #MikeMcMahan y #JustinRoiland 😃, #solaropposites de #hulu qué ya va en su 3ra temporada sin decepcionar, de hecho cada vez que la veo me doy cuenta de lo que cambio en #RickandMorty 😩 . Si la ven en idioma original notarán la colaboración de varias actores como #thomasmiddleton ( #siliconvalley ) y #SeanGiambrone ( #thegoldbergs ) .
#rickandmorty #mikemcmahan #justinroiland #solaropposites #hulu #thomasmiddleton #siliconvalley #seangiambrone #thegoldbergs