#107 Nick Landau (ed) - Judge Dredd, Vol 1, No 13. Eagle Comics, London, Nov 1984. John Wagner, Alan Grant, Kelvin Gosnell, Mike McMahon, Ron Smith. #JudgeDredd #2000AD #JohnWagner #AlanGrant #KelvinGosnell #MikeMcMahon #RonSmith #EagleComics #BookOfTheDay
#judgedredd #2000ad #johnwagner #AlanGrant #kelvingosnell #mikemcmahon #ronsmith #eaglecomics #bookoftheday
#70 Nick Landau (ed) - Judge Dredd, Vol 1, No 7. Eagle Comics, London, May 1984. Pat Mills, John Wagner, Mike McMahon. #JudgeDredd #2000AD #PatMills #JohnWagner #MikeMcMahon #EagleComics #BookOfTheDay
#judgedredd #2000ad #patmills #johnwagner #mikemcmahon #eaglecomics #bookoftheday
Still on my shelves back at the parental mansion: some of my vintage 2000 AD & Judge Dredd annuals. Loved getting a haul of these at Christmas back in the day.
Here's the Dredd annual from the long-ago 1981. Cover art by the incomparable Brian Bolland, interior "Pingboing" page by the great Mick McMahon. Giants walked among us back then...
#comics #BandeDessinee #books #2000ad #JudgeDredd #annual #1981 #BritishComics #vintagecomics #bandedessinée #BrianBolland #MikeMcMahon #MickMcMahon
#mickmcmahon #mikemcmahon #brianbolland #vintagecomics #britishcomics #annual #judgedredd #2000ad #books #bandedessinee #comics