@earth_walker Check out #MikePondsmith on YouTube. Love to see him interviewed about #sciencefiction and #cyberpunk 鈥ots of good info.
#mikepondsmith #sciencefiction #cyberpunk
馃У For #BlackHistoryMonth I want to recognize contributions made by Black people to some of the things I care about. I'm gonna kick things off by shining the spotlight on #MikePondsmith, best known as the creator of the #Cyberpunk tabletop RPG. Pondsmith enjoyed playing traditional games as a kid, went to school for graphic design and behavioral psychology, and ended up working in publishing. [continued]
#blackhistorymonth #mikepondsmith #cyberpunk
Night City, en obres
Despr茅s que usuaris d鈥檃rreu del m贸n hagin fet p煤blics un gran nombre d鈥檈rrors de programaci贸 a Cyberpunk 2077, Sony l'ha retirat de la PlayStation Store i reemborsar脿 els diners als videojugadors que ho reclamin.
#Opini贸 #Batman:ArkhamKnight #BattlefrontII #Bugs #CDProjekt #CDProjektRed #Cyberpunk2077 #EA #ElectronicArts #ElonMusk #Errorsdeprogramaci贸 #MikePondsmith #NoMan'sSky #PlayStationStore
#opini贸 #batman #battlefrontii #bugs #cdprojekt #cdprojektred #cyberpunk2077 #ea #electronicarts #elonmusk #Errorsdeprogramaci贸 #mikepondsmith #noman #playstationstore
#micromania #fanzone "Cyberpunk, le jeu de r么le original " #dossier #CyberPunk2020 #CyberPunkRED #CyberPunk2077 #CyberPunk #JdR #MikePondsmith ... https://www.micromania.fr/fanzone/cyberpunk-jeu-de-role-original.html
#micromania #fanzone #dossier #cyberpunk2020 #cyberpunkred #cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk #jdr #mikepondsmith
#micromania #fanzone "Cyberpunk, le jeu de r么le original " #dossier #CyberPunk2020 #CyberPunkRED #CyberPunk2077 #CyberPunk #JdR #MikePondsmith ... https://www.micromania.fr/fanzone/cyberpunk-jeu-de-role-original.html
#mikepondsmith #jdr #cyberpunk #cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunkred #cyberpunk2020 #dossier #fanzone #micromania
Cyberpunk creator Mike Pondsmith on turning his tabletop game into Cyberpunk 2077 - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/tByZMTaL-Z8/ #FeaturedArticles #MikePondsmith #CDProjektRed #Gamescom2019 #whoopwhoop #interview #feature
#featuredarticles #mikepondsmith #cdprojektred #gamescom2019 #whoopwhoop #interview #feature