So the Oklahoma Energy Resource Board #OERB hired #MikeRowe as their spokesman and got a #SuperBowl commercial. As if anybody under 30 remembers that he had a cable TV show for years where he primarily jerked off farm animals on TLC 20 years ago.
The application rate for young people seeking work in the trades was nearly cut in half from 2020 to 2022, according to data from online recruiting platform Handshake. Chris Cuomo talks to Mike Rowe about the cultural bias against trade jobs, and how to change that perception. #MikeRowe #DirtyJobs #trades
I haven't seen any program Mike Rowe has been on, but he did tv commercials for something else several years ago. I once sketched a caricature of him with the Greek letter lower-case mu μ drawn over his torso, Superman style. μ is the prefix for #micro in the #Metric system. #homophones #MikeRowe
#micro #metric #homophones #mikerowe
Watch "Mike Rowe | PBD Podcast | Ep. 206" on YouTube
"#TimcastIRL - #AOC Gets COVID After Partying Maskless In Miami, SLAMMED For Hypocrisy w/ #MikeRowe"
"#TimcastIRL - #AOC Gets COVID After Partying Maskless In Miami, SLAMMED For Hypocrisy w/ #MikeRowe"