From #MikeSacksEsq
"Barrett pretty much just called out Thomas for sloppy originalism: "While history is often important and sometimes dispositive, we should be discriminating in its use. Otherwise, we risk undermining the force of historical arguments when they matter most."
Me: When Thomas is losing even the Handmaid...well, then....looks like he's pissed everyone off!
From #MikeSacksEsq:
Justice Thomas again attacks Griswold, this time along with a whole list of other SCOTUS doctrines that earlier justices objected to upon their inceptions:
Me: FUK #ClarenceThomas and his co-terrorist wife....oh, yeah, and FUK #SamAlito too! And while, we're at it....#FUK Brett Kavanaugh....and what billionaire did #LeonardLeo get to pay all his shit off?
#mikesacksesq #clarencethomas #samalito #fuk #leonardleo