Another sharp contrast temperature wise this morning with Inverness currently sitting at +10c degrees, and Farnborough down to -8c degrees
Highs today in Scotland (not specifically with you) will be +11/13c degrees
Still going for +14c degrees somewhere on Tuesday in Scotland
If yer out and about this morning. For some, it's positively balmy
#Mild #Weather #WindyWilson #Balmy #Scotland #MildAir
#mildair #scotland #balmy #windywilson #weather #mild
Stays COLD until about the 17th 18th give or take, then we have MILD air for a few days before it turns COLD again, but not as cold as it has been
Monday 19th could see highs of 9/11c degrees somewhere. Almost bastarding tropical
#Baltic #Weather #WindyWilson #Cold #Winter #Scotland #MildAir
#mildair #scotland #winter #cold #windywilson #weather #baltic