Cerebrospinal Fluid Offers Clues to Post-COVID ‘Brain Fog’ | UC San Francisco
#cerbrospinalfluid #LongCovid #brainfog #sarscov2 #brain #mildcovid #covid #inflammation #systemicinflammatoryresponse #turncoatantibodies #diabetes #CognitiveImpairment #vasculardementia #adhd #anxiety #depression #LearningDisabilities #alcohol #stimulants #hand #hiv #sars #mers #hepatitis #epsteinbarrvirus
I'm thinking I need to make a FAQ of a list of studies that shows covid asymptomatic transmission, tissue damage, immune system dysregulation, long covid percentages, mask studies, vaccine trial noise floors.
Make a handout to hand people, instead of having to go through a response when hearing "oh yeah, I've had #covid and it was no worse than a cold".
It's become tedious to enter into this little pointless "debate" when the other side just had their personal anecdotes. I have plenty of anecdotes, but I've also read a gazillion studies and abstracts at this point - not realizing there would be a pop quiz nearly every day.
There were times in the past few years when I thought "I maybe should collect this study in a folder with all of the others" but kept thinking people would eventually become more educated. How naive.
I would think I'm not the only person that's thought of doing this? Surely someone somewhere is keeping a list of such things? The routine "polite spontaneous casual debate" has gotten old, I want to go "here, read all of this and get back to me with your anti #masks #covidisover anti #vaccine #mildcovid garbage".
#covid #masks #covidisover #vaccine #mildcovid
Let's cease this arguing about the origin of the virus that causes COVID-19 (whose proper name, #SarsCoV, was deemed too scary to release upon the public, hence the rebranding to good old #mildcovid).
We all can agree that the origin of This virus is #Satan - whether that's simply the concept of evilness, or an actual spirit incarnate, that's up to you.
Basically, protecting yourself against something Satan created tends to be pretty good.
Long Covid symptoms will ‘resolve in a year’ for this group of people | The Independent
Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath and muscle aches are common symptoms of long Covid
Long Covid effects will ‘resolve in a year’ for this group of people
#MildCovid https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/long-covid-symptoms-resolve-year-b2260564.html
Dang and so many of us got #mildcovid but maybe that's why I can't find my car keys...