ChipMcDonald · @chipmcdonald
244 followers · 443 posts · Server

I'm thinking I need to make a FAQ of a list of studies that shows covid asymptomatic transmission, tissue damage, immune system dysregulation, long covid percentages, mask studies, vaccine trial noise floors.

Make a handout to hand people, instead of having to go through a response when hearing "oh yeah, I've had and it was no worse than a cold".

It's become tedious to enter into this little pointless "debate" when the other side just had their personal anecdotes. I have plenty of anecdotes, but I've also read a gazillion studies and abstracts at this point - not realizing there would be a pop quiz nearly every day.

There were times in the past few years when I thought "I maybe should collect this study in a folder with all of the others" but kept thinking people would eventually become more educated. How naive.

I would think I'm not the only person that's thought of doing this? Surely someone somewhere is keeping a list of such things? The routine "polite spontaneous casual debate" has gotten old, I want to go "here, read all of this and get back to me with your anti anti garbage".

#covid #masks #covidisover #vaccine #mildcovid

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay Jason, DJ - FM/AM · @JJasonDJFMAM
20 followers · 163 posts · Server

Let's cease this arguing about the origin of the virus that causes COVID-19 (whose proper name, , was deemed too scary to release upon the public, hence the rebranding to good old ).

We all can agree that the origin of This virus is - whether that's simply the concept of evilness, or an actual spirit incarnate, that's up to you.

Basically, protecting yourself against something Satan created tends to be pretty good.

#sarscov #mildcovid #satan

Last updated 2 years ago

AutisticMumTo3 · @AutisticMumTo3
73 followers · 1440 posts · Server

Long Covid symptoms will ‘resolve in a year’ for this group of people | The Independent

Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath and muscle aches are common symptoms of long Covid

#LongCovid #mildcovid

Last updated 2 years ago

AutisticMumTo3 · @AutisticMumTo3
73 followers · 1440 posts · Server

#LongCovid #mildcovid

Last updated 2 years ago

Action Vs Infectious Disease · @avid
90 followers · 43 posts · Server

Dang and so many of us got but maybe that's why I can't find my car keys...


Last updated 2 years ago