Still thinking of that day I saw a white BMW on the road with a custom plate JACKMA
#CardiB's mike throwing incident* - #mildlyAmusing how she was reacting to a customer unhappy that she lip synced, and the rapping just went on as she stood there
* Cardi B is a popular music performer and entertainer
New game! I call it Rate This Bodge! On a scale of 1-10, what do you give it? Answers on a postcard…
(It definitely gets an E for effort, but personally I would deduct points for leaving the point on the nail.)
#mildlyamusing #repairs #bodges #bodge
#MildlyAmusing: The difference between #Italian and #British #christmas. The Italians spend all year fussing and arguing about food, yet comes Xmas they couldn’t care less. Besides panettone, there aren’t really any rules. The total opposite for Brits, who go all year long without caring much about food at all, until the fateful day comes and everyone goes into a frenzy because lunch has to abide by The Format
#mildlyamusing #italian #british #christmas