Possible benefits of #PreEmptiveRest. NB the article does not specify which degree of #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis the writer suffers. As a #pwME #SevereME it is beyond me to schedule anything on a regular basis. May be of benefit to those with #MildME or #ModerateME.
This is NOT a recommendation. Food for thought.
Link to CFSSelfHelp.org:
#preemptiverest #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #pwme #SevereME #mildme #moderateme
1/4 #MildME
“Mild ME/CFS
People with mild #MECFS care for themselves and do some light domestic tasks (sometimes needing support) but may have difficulties with mobility. Most are still working or in education, but to do this they have probably stopped all leisure and social pursuits. They often have reduced hours, take days off and use the weekend to cope with the rest of the week.”
Link to official #NICE website & #NG206:
@Wadingthroughtreacle Indeed, to be clear #pwME with #MildME have a condition with a loss of 50% (yes FIFTY percent!) of previous function. What other disease/illness would be described as “mild” with such a reduction!?!