“Kids tell me #Putin started a war.” Perm teacher speaks out after principal and 10 educators resign over visits from “special military operation” veterans
On #TheGlobalJigsaw we too looked into the #militarisation of education in #Russia here:
#putin #theglobaljigsaw #militarisation #russia
On s’est aperçu que les violences d’État qui avaient lieu dans des contextes proches de nous, en G-B, aux É-U ou en Grèce, pouvaient bénéficier d’un éclairage qui mobiliserait les techniques et approches développées pour des situations de conflits armés. Tout cela est en lien direct avec la #militarisation de la #police dans le Nord global, que ce soit au niveau des #armes utilisées ou des #stratégies employées pour maintenir l’ordre. #racisme #violencespolicieres #Index https://seenthis.net/messages/1013195
#militarisation #police #armes #strategies #racisme #violencespolicieres #index
The ‘half negative’ and other graphic memories of legendary Kashmiri photojournalist Meraj Ud Din
His rich archive of images bears painful witness to decades of strife as the territory endures a new era of censorship and erasure, writes Freny Maneckshaw.
#kashmir #photography #photojournalism #MerajUdDin #history #GawkadalMassacre #CRPF #HumanRights #militarisation #militancy #MastGul #KukaParray #curfews #jagmohan #MasratZahra #UAPA #PressFreedom #censorship #india
#kashmir #photography #photojournalism #merajuddin #history #gawkadalmassacre #crpf #humanrights #militarisation #militancy #mastgul #kukaparray #curfews #jagmohan #masratzahra #uapa #pressfreedom #censorship #india
Narendra Modi Is Using Brutal Repression to Silence the People of Kashmir
For decades, the Indian state has suppressed the democratic rights of Kashmiris. Narendra Modi’s hard-right government is taking this pattern of repression to new extremes, with the complicity of Indian intellectuals who seek to toxify the cause of Kashmir.
#kashmir #NarendraModi #HumanRights #CivilRights #PressFreedom #ReligiousFreedom #repression #democracy #militarisation #PublicSafetyAct #UAPA #hindutva #BJP #NIA #india
#kashmir #narendramodi #humanrights #civilrights #pressfreedom #religiousfreedom #repression #democracy #militarisation #PublicSafetyAct #uapa #hindutva #BJP #nia #india
Backstory: Revisiting the Ruins of Kashmir’s Media Ahead of the Fourth Anniversary of August 5
A combination of media manipulation and military mobilisation marked those early days. As additional reinforcements of security forces were marched in to complement the estimated 700,000 Indian armed personnel permanently stationed in Kashmir (and this may be a gross underestimation), there was a media gag so impenetrable, so sudden, so cynical, so ruthless, that the entire region was blindsided.
#kashmir #article370abrogation #PressFreedom #media #militarisation #HumanRights #InternetShutdowns #BJP #constitution #hindutva #india
#kashmir #article370abrogation #pressfreedom #media #militarisation #humanrights #internetshutdowns #BJP #constitution #hindutva #india
A tourist’s Kashmir diary: Majestic mountains framed by barbed wire
People who have nothing to do with politics, leave alone nursing thoughts of azaadi, are traumatised in a way that we will not even begin to understand.
#kashmir #HumanRights #IndianArmy #militarisation #article370abrogation #tourism #india
#kashmir #humanrights #indianarmy #militarisation #article370abrogation #tourism #india
In Kashmir, Respect for National Symbols Cannot Be Commanded By Fear
The Centre's relationship with J&K is not a humane one. It is a relationship of the strong and the weak. When the weak cannot scream, they register their resistance by remaining silent.
#kashmir #NationalAnthem #HumanRights #militarisation #article370abrogation #policing #UnionGovt #india
#kashmir #nationalanthem #humanrights #militarisation #article370abrogation #policing #uniongovt #india
Gen. Kamal Gunaratne inaugurates the 2nd stage of Deegawapiya restoration project: The second stage of the Deegawapiya Stupa restoration project was launched by placing a symbolic Stupa brick by General Kamal Gunaratne, the ‘Author of the Deegawapiya Aruna Trust’ and ‘First Trustee’, at the Deegawapiya premises, on July 10.
This is a another instant of close collaboration of Sri Lanka military and the Buddhist establishment, observers say.
A… https://srilankabrief.org/gen-kamal-gunaratne-inaugurates-the-2nd-stage-of-deegawapiya-restoration-project/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #News #militarisation
The only trouble is, Keating is right.
#auspol #NATO #militarisation #militarism
#auspol #nato #militarisation #militarism
[ 🔄 ]
@LDH_Fr 🔗 https://piaille.fr/users/LDH_Fr/statuses/110683187033904030
#Racisme, #militarisation des #FDO, maintien de l’ordre liberticide, #ViolencesPolicières, impunité… La #LDH appelle à de profondes #réformes au sein de l’institution #policière.
#policiere #reformes #ldh #violencespolicieres #fdo #militarisation #racisme
La cité phocéenne, secouée par des affrontements après la mort de Nahel, a vu le #RAID déployé dans ses rues. Plusieurs vidéos montrent cette unité d’élite réaliser des tirs à des distances potentiellement létales. Un homme y est mort après un « probable » tir « de type flash-ball ». #police #militarisation https://www.politis.fr/articles/2023/07/nahel-mort-a-marseille-le-raid-tire-a-vue/
Interview: PDP President Mehbooba Mufti's take on Kashmir's plight, India's current situation and more
"Kashmir is no longer for Kashmiris. All the big contracts are being given to outsiders, to businessmen from Gujarat and Haryana and such places. Our businesses cannot match their wealth, so they are now subcontractors to outsiders. From sand to the big discovery of lithium, everything is being handed over to outsiders. And in a corrupt fashion. Apart from everything else, this is also the most corrupt government."
#kashmir #MehboobaMufti #PDP #article370abrogation #HumanRights #StateViolence #militarisation #security #hindutva #corruption #gujarat #BJP #manipur #india
#kashmir #MehboobaMufti #pdp #article370abrogation #humanrights #stateviolence #militarisation #security #hindutva #corruption #gujarat #BJP #manipur #india
Indian Army still silent on Pulwama mosque row, officer ‘removed’ from duty
Neither the army nor police have issued any official statement despite allegations by villagers that have been picked up by a battery of Kashmiri politicians.
#kashmir #pulwama #mosque #IndianArmy #hindutva #HinduNationalism #militarisation #muslims #india
#kashmir #pulwama #mosque #indianarmy #hindutva #HinduNationalism #militarisation #muslims #india
Kashmir: Waqf Board Coercing Takeover of Local Mosques and Shrines, Alleges Mutahida Majlis-e-Ulama
The body urged the board to desist from “pursuing this agenda” and instead provide assistance and support to local centres and Masjid committees to let them flourish independently.
#kashmir #WaqfBoard #mosques #MMU #NIA #BJP #militarisation #ReligiousFreedom #muslims #india
#kashmir #waqfboard #mosques #MMU #nia #BJP #militarisation #religiousfreedom #muslims #india
RT @claudia_aradau@twitter.com
Important report on #AI #bigtech #militarisation - or rather the intensification of militarisation
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/claudia_aradau/status/1666448900545208320
Appel commun au #rassemblement contre le #SNU, le 31 mai à 14h au rectorat d'Amiens.
L'émancipation de la jeunesse ne passera pas par sa #militarisation, mais par sa révolte !
#militarisation #snu #rassemblement
@LDH_Fr "Au-delà de l’organisation, c’est l’influence de l’#armée dans les établissements scolaires qui inquiète une syndicaliste reçue par Sarah El Haïry, cette semaine. Elle regrette une « #militarisation du #lycée ». « C’est moins l’#ÉducationNationale qui entre dans l’armée que la discipline militaire et sa symbolique qui s’immiscent dans l’Éducation nationale », conclut-elle."
#armee #militarisation #lycee #educationnationale
Silence Around Delegates, High Security, Cleared Roads: What the G20 Meeting in Srinagar Entailed
Defying past conventions, the J&K administration has kept the names of the visiting delegates and their designations under wraps.
#G20 #kashmir #Srinagar #militarisation #security #IndianArmedForces #india
#g20 #kashmir #srinagar #militarisation #security #indianarmedforces #india
Ukraine War|
Translated by @WorkersAngry angryworkers from Wildcat 111, which places the #war in #Ukraine in a wider global context & explains the particular role that forces like the #GreenParty play to shift the social atmosphere in Germany towards further #militarisation. #Gruene #Krieg
#war #ukraine #greenparty #militarisation #gruene #krieg
#SNU #alerte #militarisation du #lycee « classes d’engagement » thématiques 12 jours sur temps scolaire ; ces #élèves de seconde porteront l’uniforme, participeront à la levée des couleurs et chanteront La Marseillaise chaque matin. Ceux qui acceptent cette option seront récompensés sur #Parcoursup. Les #professeurs à l’initiative de cette classe « d’engagement » seront, eux, récompensés financièrement grâce au « Pacte » que #Macron annonçait le 20 avril.
#snu #alerte #militarisation #lycee #eleves #parcoursup #professeurs #macron