by #SonjaAnderson in #SmithsonianMagazine:
"This week, the United States Army recognized Johnson by renaming a Louisiana military base in his honor. Formerly known as Fort Polk, the base was originally named after Confederate General Leonidas Polk, who died during the Atlanta Campaign in June 1864."
#HenryJohnson #USArmy #army #Louisiana #MilitaryBase #MilitaryBases
#sonjaanderson #SmithsonianMagazine #henryjohnson #usarmy #army #louisiana #militarybase #militaryBases
by #PemaLevy in #MotherJones
"Fort Bragg, one of the largest military bases in the country, officially became Fort Liberty on Friday, the first of nine military bases in the South that will ditch their confederate namesakes."
#FortLiberty #FortBragg #confederate #confederacy #MilitaryBases #military
#pemalevy #motherjones #fortliberty #fortbragg #confederate #confederacy #militaryBases #military
"The Army Special Services published a handbook on how to produce these shows. The handbook referred to the productions as 'Girly Shows,' and even gave tips on how to make the GIs look good for the highly choreographed 'Pony Ballet.' The Pony Ballet was described as GIs wearing tutus along with army boots.
#DragShows #drag #ban #MilitaryBases #military #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2
#DragShows #drag #ban #militaryBases #military #WorldWar2 #ww2 #wwii
New #VoteVets advert seeks to #BanFOXNews from U.S. #militarybases
Wherever you are in the world, re-boost this and let's help them out.
#FOXlies #GetTuckerCarlsonOFFTV
#FOX #fascist #media #FOXisFakeNews
#votevets #banfoxnews #militaryBases #FoxLies #GetTuckerCarlsonOFFTV #fox #fascist #media #foxisfakenews
> and sometimes produce byproducts that are also harmful and require additional steps to remove.
SOURCE (I2P): http://sciencedaily.i2p/releases/2022/08/220818163721.htm
Meanwhile the #transnationals are being allowed to continue #polluting our environment with them — just so a few can get non-stick #frypans and other toxic products.
#transnationals #polluting #frypans #nonStick #firefighterFoam #militaryBases #cooking
Imagine what you can do when you give #threeLetterAgencies the ability to lose, literally lose, they cannot account for, 20 trillion over the past 21 years.
#howVeryKeynesian #MICIMATT #humanTrafficking #militaryBases #piratesWithPlanes #CIA #cocaineImportingAgency
#threeLetterAgencies #HowVeryKeynesian #MICIMATT #humantrafficking #militaryBases #piratesWithPlanes #cia #cocaineImportingAgency