The goal is to produce as many as possible, and extract natural resources.

The people who talk like the "failed in <INSERT_COUNTRY>" either don't realise the basic bezzle. The and and the rest of the securocrats are huge winners.

Julian Assange is quoted as saying these wars are less for winning and more about "".

They are also ops — often by giving weapons and assistance.

#refugees #usa #militaryContractors #weaponsIndustry #moneylaundering #humantrafficking #extremists

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4079 followers · 3419 posts · Server

Dwight Was Right: Congress Must Say No to Military Contractors — The world Eisenhower warned about has materialized. We need more members of Congress to stand up to the arms industry and fight for social investments instead.

#commondreams #congress #militaryContractors #armsindustry #socialinvestments #pentagonbudget #politics #news

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
2777 followers · 2389 posts · Server

Also noteworthy re , it has strained heavily. A similar outbreak of disease happened prior to 1930s.

The automated and targetted ways in which memes and propaganda can be given via closed is new to today. Also new, our internet is become Man-in-the-Middled by the corporate state (actual mostly, if not all). A handful of fascist entities control and see 95-99% of internet traffic today.


#covid #relationships #socialmedia #militaryContractors

Last updated 2 years ago

Dbregernyc · @Dbregernyc
35 followers · 86 posts · Server

Some enterprising should assemble a list of all#spouses, and of members of who have positions on , at or at . That would put a in perspective. I'm also curious at the source of income for these last six years.

#donaldtrumpjr #investigation #hunterbiden #militaryContractors #lobbyingfirms #corporateboards #congress #children #siblings #journo

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi Jeff,

It looks like they are just bringing everything under control via and buying up everything that moves.

Also they don't need a killswitch when most of is controlled by Cloudflare and other like Amazon and Microsoft etc, all they need to do is use the access they have and blame it on China.

Are you able to provide sources on your above though.

#dotcon #moneyPrinting #TheInternet #militaryContractors #moneyLosers #moneylaundering

Last updated 3 years ago


More of what appear to be convenient attacks to in .

It seems the know how to deal with (as they currently exist), but only when they belong to countries that they are one day away from evacuting from after 20 years of getting trilllions in to do what is effectively nothing but commit and line pockets of .

#falseflag #extendAndPretend #afghanistan #usa #airports #freeMoney #warcrimes #militaryContractors #kabul #kabulairport #boondoggle #Raytheon #LockheedMartin #MICIMATT #cantilloneffect

Last updated 3 years ago

The fight for from the can be lonely, many people who are not fighting this battle are so caught up in their own bubbles that they cannot fathom that things must be done.

Some people are of course directly benefitting from the corrupt system, like . Then there are those people who just don't ask questions, the .

Both are toxic for .

There's only one thing worse than being lonely, and that is having .

#liberation #corporateState #militaryContractors #UsefulIdiots #liberators #badCompany

Last updated 4 years ago

The fight for liberation can be lonely, many people who are not fighting this battle are so caught up in their own bubbles that they cannot fathom that things must be fixed.

Some people are of course directly benefitting from the corrupt system, like . There's only one thing worse than being lonely, and that it having bad company.

Then there are those people who just don't ask questions, the .

Both are bad company for .

#militaryContractors #UsefulIdiots #liberators

Last updated 4 years ago