Unfortunately, that archive site is also CAGEMAFIA.

Drones are really bad. You might be surprised to learn that courtesy of , CloudGlare helped train those too.

#hCaptcha #militaryDrones

Last updated 1 year ago

Can someone hack in and maybe and Cloudflare so billboards say:

> Hi <NAME_PHOTO_OF_DRIVER>, CloudFlare learned you like <SEXUAL_FETISH>, and you have <AMOUNT> at <BANK_NAME>. Visit and train for your chance to keep your password private and maybe remove this message.

Because 's small are almost all watched and controlled at now.

#electronicBillboards #australia #google #hCaptcha #militaryDrones #banks #cloudflare #workFromCar #neofeudalism #cloudflareIsTheMalware #billboards

Last updated 2 years ago

Its a bit late but in 2018 employees, decided they would not train .

That's 's raison d'etre.

And its build on the centralised (by ) that also serves those .

To : its not that are "good at their job". They get (read: ) to expand to crush the internet, while claiming they are "helping to build a better one".

@Lux @Niquarl @Liberapay @jeffcliff

#google #militaryDrones #hCaptcha #amazon #ethereumScam #ethScamTokens #liberapay #cloudflare #freeMoney #bailouts #autonomousDrones

Last updated 3 years ago

Cloudflare uses last we checked (rather than the Google product that trains their ).

hCaptcha is part of the centralised that operates mostly over Cf and (evidenced by numerable sources incl latest ).

hCaptcha was made in response to Google workers only wanting to train and not (no diff really). That's why ships, planes and protestors w umbrellas on hCaptcha.



#hCaptcha #recaptcha #autonomousDrones #etheriumScam #amazon #amazonDown #waymo #militaryDrones

Last updated 3 years ago

Interesting story, aside from and . Circa 2018, apparently formed a protest/Union against producing .

Even though the military said they were "just for " and "taking pictures" the workers believed there wasn't much difference between shooting a photo or bullet.

Maybe it was just a stunt on behalf of though. Within a year was released — datasets they get are *seriously* creepy.


#recaptcha #waymo #googleWorkers #militaryDrones #surviellence #publicrelations #google #hCaptcha #ai

Last updated 3 years ago