Are you SERIOUSLY saying their is not a corporate coup aganist #Sanders or #militaryMediaComplex working to destroy #Assange and his #organisation.
Where have you been? Seriously what planet? It must be lovely!
#sanders #militaryMediaComplex #assange #organisation
This #lecture from 1999 may blow your mind.
Know thy enemy
#michaelParenti #profMichaelParenti #knowYourEnemy #militaryIndustrialMediaComplex #mimc #militaryMediaComplex #securityState #war #antiwar #stockMarket #frontrunning #landHoldings #economicRents #rentSeeking #moneyPrinting #socialismForTheRich #boeing #owningClass #blackstone #workerExploitation #refugeeChurning #refugeeProduction
#lecture #MichaelParenti #profMichaelParenti #knowyourenemy #militaryIndustrialMediaComplex #mimc #militaryMediaComplex #securitystate #war #antiwar #stockmarket #frontrunning #landHoldings #economicRents #rentSeeking #moneyPrinting #socialismfortherich #boeing #owningClass #blackstone #workerExploitation #refugeeChurning #refugeeProduction
So #Greta is not allowed to use #airTravel...
Let's think for a moment.
The #extremelyWealthy global #elite, #oilBarons, and the #militaryMediaComplex are permitted to trapse across the world spreading so-called #democracy in private and #armouredVehicles.
Godforbid we treat the #climateEmergency like the #emergency that it *actually is*.
#GretaBashers - stop bully a #child. It not only makes you look stupid, it also makes you look #stupid.
Man-made #climateChange is real - fight it.
#greta #airTravel #extremelyWealthy #elite #oilBarons #militaryMediaComplex #democracy #armouredVehicles #climateemergency #emergency #GretaBashers #child #stupid #climatechange
Pick your appearances.
We know a brilliant #environmentalist who wasted many hours of their life preparing for an appearance on a #primetime, #corporate #televisionProgram in #Australia, called #theProject. Their #interview was never #broadcast.
Many in the #militaryMediaComplex are simply #phishing to tarnish #reputations. When they cannot they will deny the #publication. They will even turn down #paidAdvertising of good content citing #qualityConcerns.
We've seen it all.
#environmentalist #primetime #corporate #televisionProgram #australia #theProject #interview #broadcast #militaryMediaComplex #phishing #reputations #publication #paidAdvertising #qualityConcerns
Sadly the #nuclearLobby are extremely powerful.
The industry, wherever it exists, is #tooBigToFail and aids the #warPigs in the #militaryMediaComplex.
We need to harness #renewables, but the smaller scale nature of #renewableEnergy doesn't suit #monopolists.
Mining and refining #uranium is not a sustainable process.
#nuclearLobby #toobigtofail #warpigs #militaryMediaComplex #renewables #renewableenergy #monopolists #Uranium #nuclear #war #nuclearwaste #nuclearEnergy
CALLER: Why have you not talked about Julian Assange, an Australian being given an effective death sentence?
NETWORK SEVEN: We are a commercial network.
CALLER: What does that mean?
NETWORK SEVEN: What do you mean?
#vassalState #totalitarianism #corporateMedia #ignorance #militaryMediaComplex #bribery #fakeNews #freeMoney #networkSeven #channelnine #ginaRinehart #rupertMurdoch #corporateNews #extortion #abcnews #australia #julianassange #freejulianassange #demonetisation
#vassalState #totalitarianism #corporatemedia #ignorance #militaryMediaComplex #bribery #fakenews #freeMoney #networkSeven #channelnine #ginaRinehart #rupertmurdoch #corporateNews #extortion #abcnews #australia #julianassange #FreeJulianAssange #demonetisation
Over the years we were so busy with our activism that we neglected our privacy and (therefore) our freedom.
We knew that we were feeding #Google and #Facebook info, but we didn't suspect that that information would be turned so quickly to deplatform (and demonetise).
Say no to #Chrome:
(We were #blacklisted the moment we spoke up for #JulianAssange and shed light on the #militaryMediaComplex. #London's (#UK) torture of him continues. #ExtraditionHearing on 25 Feb)
#google #facebook #chrome #blacklisted #julianassange #militaryMediaComplex #london #uk #ExtraditionHearing
The coming #collapse/#degrowth period is going to be a sight to behold. We see #Amazon depend on #Google at the moment. Google depends on a supply of free-money. And the corporate state and #militaryMediaComplex depending on Google.
When this thing goes down it will be magnificent - and it will.
#collapse #amazon #google #militaryMediaComplex