Are you SERIOUSLY saying their is not a corporate coup aganist or working to destroy and his .

Where have you been? Seriously what planet? It must be lovely!

#sanders #militaryMediaComplex #assange #organisation

Last updated 5 years ago

So is not allowed to use ...

Let's think for a moment.

The global , , and the are permitted to trapse across the world spreading so-called in private and .

Godforbid we treat the like the that it *actually is*.

- stop bully a . It not only makes you look stupid, it also makes you look .

Man-made is real - fight it.

#greta #airTravel #extremelyWealthy #elite #oilBarons #militaryMediaComplex #democracy #armouredVehicles #climateemergency #emergency #GretaBashers #child #stupid #climatechange

Last updated 5 years ago

Pick your appearances.

We know a brilliant who wasted many hours of their life preparing for an appearance on a , in , called . Their was never .

Many in the are simply to tarnish . When they cannot they will deny the . They will even turn down of good content citing .

We've seen it all.

#environmentalist #primetime #corporate #televisionProgram #australia #theProject #interview #broadcast #militaryMediaComplex #phishing #reputations #publication #paidAdvertising #qualityConcerns

Last updated 5 years ago

Sadly the are extremely powerful.

The industry, wherever it exists, is and aids the in the .

We need to harness , but the smaller scale nature of doesn't suit .

Mining and refining is not a sustainable process.

#nuclearLobby #toobigtofail #warpigs #militaryMediaComplex #renewables #renewableenergy #monopolists #Uranium #nuclear #war #nuclearwaste #nuclearEnergy

Last updated 5 years ago

Over the years we were so busy with our activism that we neglected our privacy and (therefore) our freedom.

We knew that we were feeding and info, but we didn't suspect that that information would be turned so quickly to deplatform (and demonetise).

Say no to :

(We were the moment we spoke up for and shed light on the . 's () torture of him continues. on 25 Feb)

#google #facebook #chrome #blacklisted #julianassange #militaryMediaComplex #london #uk #ExtraditionHearing

Last updated 5 years ago

The coming /#degrowth period is going to be a sight to behold. We see depend on at the moment. Google depends on a supply of free-money. And the corporate state and depending on Google.

When this thing goes down it will be magnificent - and it will.

#collapse #amazon #google #militaryMediaComplex

Last updated 5 years ago