AI automated human slaughter: the new killer profit
#lostmorality #militaryAI #ethicalwarfare #machinekillers #capitalism #bloodmoney #profit #ethics #AI #warfare #warmachine
#lostmorality #militaryai #ethicalwarfare #machinekillers #capitalism #bloodmoney #profit #ethics #ai #warfare #warmachine
#Surveillance #MilitaryAI #Spycraft #OSINT: "It’s probably hard to imagine that you are the target of spycraft, but spying on employees is the next frontier of military AI. Surveillance techniques familiar to authoritarian dictatorships have now been repurposed to target American workers.
Over the past decade, a few dozen companies have emerged to sell your employer subscriptions for services like “open source intelligence,” “reputation management,” and “insider threat assessment”—tools often originally developed by defense contractors for intelligence uses. As deep learning and new data sources have become available over the past few years, these tools have become dramatically more sophisticated. With them, your boss may be able to use advanced data analytics to identify labor organizing, internal leakers, and the company’s critics."
#surveillance #militaryai #spycraft #osint
New issue of Military Strategy Magazine. #Ukraine, U.S. Strategy, Quantum Principles, Germany’s Armed Forces, and more.
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@Doctrine_Man @SSInow @warstudies @WarintheFuture @bundeswehrInfo #Military #MilitaryAI #strategy
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/milstrategy/status/1613160612820828162
#ukraine #military #militaryai #strategy
New issue of Military Strategy Magazine. #Ukraine, U.S. Strategy, Quantum Principles, Germany’s Armed Forces, and more.
*No registration, no paywall*
@Doctrine_Man @SSInow @warstudies @WarintheFuture @bundeswehrInfo #Military #MilitaryAI #strategy
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/milstrategy/status/1613160612820828162
#ukraine #military #militaryai #strategy
RT @milstrategy@twitter.com
New issue of Military Strategy Magazine. #Ukraine, U.S. Strategy, Quantum Principles, Germany’s Armed Forces, and more.
*No registration, no paywall*
@Doctrine_Man@twitter.com @SSInow@twitter.com @warstudies@twitter.com @WarintheFuture@twitter.com @bundeswehrInfo@twitter.com #Military #MilitaryAI #strategy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/milstrategy/status/1613160612820828162
#ukraine #military #militaryai #strategy
I wrote a little thing on #AWS and other #MilitaryAI and what I consider to be the *actual* #AccountabilityGap in discussions of new military technologies: https://www.cigionline.org/articles/ai-and-the-actual-ihl-accountability-gap/
(Also curious to see how an identical post does on T v. M)
#aws #militaryai #accountabilitygap