President Joe Biden’s Empire of Bases strategy is one that’s escalating dangerous military tensions and new cold wars with China and Russia, prodding at a—potentially nuclear—war.
#Biden #militarybases
> The Sunshine Policy of the 2000s is over, and so are the protests from nearly a decade ago, but the enormous U.S. military presence remains in South Korea... it's not guaranteed that the country will welcome American G.I.s with open arms for all eternity. And it's not just #SouthKorea; #Japanese have been protesting #USbases in their country... most recently over a soldier's alleged rape of a local woman.
#MilitaryBases #USAbases #KoreanPeninsula
#koreanpeninsula #usabases #militarybases #USbases #japanese #southkorea
Government could be forced to pay millions to police asylum barges and military bases | The Independent
#asylum #asylumseekers #asylumbarges #barges #militarybases #Braverman #police #security #LEGALCHALLENGE #essex #sussex #linconshire #Dorset #nhs #healthcare #drax #Carmichael #nationalauditoffice #bibbystockholm #amnestyinternational #homeoffice #portland
To Close All #US #MilitaryBases, We First Have to Identify Them
#colonialism #bullies #military #army #marines #navy #airforce #usa
#us #militarybases #colonialism #bullies #military #army #marines #navy #airforce #usa
UnFox The Cable Box
#VeteransAffairs #MilitaryBases
#veteransaffairs #militarybases asks #Pentagon to #BanFoxNews on #MilitaryBases
#FoxNews #lies #propaganda #VoteVets
#pentagon #banfoxnews #militarybases #foxnews #lies #propaganda #votevets
> The toxic "forever chemicals" known as PFAS pollute the air, water and soil, exposing people and animals alike to potential health harms. This first-of-its-kind map provides a window into the extent globally of the contamination crisis facing wildlife, – and suggesting PFAS likely pose a risk to wildlife everywhere.
> To create the map, EWG undertook a landmark effort to catalog 125 peer-reviewed scientific studies...
#PFAS #Wildlife #MilitaryBases
/HT @bojacobs
#militarybases #wildlife #pfas
The U.S. Has 750 Overseas Military Bases, and Continues to Build More to Encircle China
Never a lack of $ for this--but Social Security? Medicare? Food aid? Not so much. That's what you might call imperialist economics. It's capitalism.
#US #Military #Overseas #MilitaryBases #China
#China #militarybases #overseas #military #US
Directory of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide, Third Edition by William R. Evinger
#unitedstatesofamerika, #usmilitary, #usarmy, #usnavy, #usairforce, #usarmedforces, #unitedstatesarmedforces, #usimperialism, #neocolonialism, #colonialism, #militarybases, #genocide, #antiblackness, #ushegemony, #war, #directory, #directories
This newly revised edition contains complete information on military bases in the U.S. and around the world. It features in-depth profiles of over 1,000 bases and installations including the number of active duty and civilian personnel, payroll and contract expenditures, units, housing, services, and history of the installation. New to this edition are e-mail addresses and Web sites for military bases worldwide. Information is also provided about bases that have closed or that are scheduled to be closed.
#unitedstatesofamerika #usmilitary #usarmy #usnavy #usairforce #usarmedforces #unitedstatesarmedforces #usimperialism #neocolonialism #colonialism #militarybases #genocide #antiblackness #ushegemony #war #directory #directories
Anti-war organization World Beyond War showed an interactive map with US military bases around the world. The highest concentration of bases is observed in areas of oil and gas fields.
#AntiWar #US #Pentagon #MilitaryBases
#militarybases #pentagon #us #antiwar
You can see where all the bases are using this:
#US #empire #imperial #MilitaryBases
#us #empire #imperial #militarybases
> Base Nation[2015], the sequel to Vine’s.. #IslandOfShame (2009)..his project on what the late #ChalmersJohnson called the #Baseworld. Base Nation is.. a work of huge ambition..commendable and..inhibiting..the book..[is] a distressing and..helpful resource for grappling with the #GlobalGeography of the #AmericanArmedForces. #BaseNation also contains some of the most effective original #maps I have encountered in a study of such scale.
#USA #MilitaryBases #DavidVine
#DavidVine #militarybases #usa #maps #BaseNation #AmericanArmedForces #GlobalGeography #Baseworld #ChalmersJohnson #IslandOfShame
The war in #Ukraine got me to read #HannahArendt on #Imperialism (the #NationStateSystem ) and pay attention to the war in #Yemen and all the #MilitaryBases in #Djibouti ... All of that brought to mind a book, in #OgdensBasicEnglish by someone who was thought to be the greatest teacher of the 20th century...
#NationsAndPeace #IARichards #IAR #UnitedWorldFederalists #ArchiveOrg
#archiveorg #UnitedWorldFederalists #iar #iarichards #NationsAndPeace #OgdensBasicEnglish #djibouti #militarybases #yemen #NationStateSystem #imperialism #hannaharendt #ukraine