Let’s keep the trend going and shrink the military budget some more so that we can actually meet our domestic human rights needs.
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #militarybudget2024 #radicalmoderate
“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services…”
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024 #radicalmoderate
@eamon @xenophora @SallyStrange for those of us that feel the same about DEM as we feel about GOP: #radicalmoderate #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #militarybudget2024
#radicalmoderate #nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024
@walterdunham @maddad @TonyStark
How’s about giving us something to actually vote for besides war and the disregard of our inalienable Human Rights?
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024
@AvvieLanche @cautionarytale > “Enough with the words. Pick up a gun and organize. "Voting" is what got us here.”
If the day comes that the government gives me a standard issue sidearm for the defense of the republic, I’ll be one of the first to take up arms and coldly apply my pre-existing firearms competence. Don’t worry about that.
Until that day, worry yourself with promoting human rights.
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024 #radicalmoderate
@Bam @c_merriweather @doctorjaymarie understood, I suspected that that might be the case, hence:
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #TeamFreedom
I have learned quite a bit from you, thank you!
And if @andrew can chime in further on the #UNUDHR from a legal context, that would be utterly appreciated.
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #teamfreedom #unudhr
@JamesFinn @chrishedges thank you thank you thank you for boosting this one. i suspect that a lot of america might get pretty politically active (in a good way) if they find out that #EvenIranSubsidizesTransHealth since the 80s.. Egypt has it’s own story.
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #UNUDHR #militarybudget2024 #TeamFreedom
#eveniransubsidizestranshealth #nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #unudhr #militarybudget2024 #teamfreedom
@doctorjaymarie @jalcine @blacktraffic @c_merriweather “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, …, birth or other status.”
#UNUDHR #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024
#unudhr #nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024
@Tilopa @LeaBug Please check out these hastags. If you like what you see, please follow and contribute with high-quality, accurate posts: #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #UNUDHR
#teamfreedom #nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #unudhr
@sharonecathcart Time for a radical majority to speak up as loudly as those at the margins?
Please check out these hastags. If you like what you see, please follow and contribute with high-quality, accurate posts: #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #UNUDHR
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #unudhr
@revndm @soc_i_ety @scottspeaking Please check out these hastags. If you like what you see, please follow and contribute with high-quality, accurate posts: #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #UNUDHR
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #unudhr
@Pineywoozle @StefanThinks Please check out these hastags. If you like what you see, please follow and contribute with high-quality, accurate posts: #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #UNUDHR
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #unudhr
@therightarticle you might find that the following tags that i’ve been solo-curating (someone help me change that! join the party 🎉) contain some interesting thoughts or information, as I have a similar challenge for world leaders.
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024 #unudhr
@Susan_Larson_TN Nice to see some positive news and less of the negativity!
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #UNUDHR #radicalmoderate #EvenIranSubsidizesTransHealth #militarybudget2024
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #unudhr #radicalmoderate #eveniransubsidizestranshealth #militarybudget2024
@rbreich #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #TeamFreedom #radicalmoderate for some ways to fight back #militarybudget2024
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #teamfreedom #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024
@QasimRashid time to make a concerted push - #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #militarybudget2024 #UNUDHR
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024 #unudhr
@georgetakei From the research that I’ve seen, it’s some 20% of the Republican base that are hardliners. That leaves some 80% of the Republican base open to compelling arguments to join the “White Party”/“Rainbow Nation”.
Since only 2/3 of Americans actually vote, it’s more like 1/5 of 1/2 of 2/3 = 6% of Americans are hardliners for hate.
Maybe 12% total if you include the Democratic hardliners.
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024 #teamfreedom
@msquebanh do you know what loopholes, gaps, or actual teeth exist for Canada’s constitution and UNUDHR?
I’m very curious about the situation in the United States, but am not a lawyer to parse through dozens of treaties and constitutional case law.
The language in UNUDHR makes it seem to me, for the US, that there is constitutional intent to make it the supreme law of the land, like the treaties we sign.
Surely Canada has similar language?
#unudhr #teamfreedom #militarybudget2024
@msquebanh Absolutely, Article 22, #UNUDHR
“Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.”
It’s more than just deserved, it’s an inalienable right!
#unudhr #militarybudget2024 #udhr #teamfreedom