"Washington’s role as guardian of global capital (..) is conterminous with what environmental historians call ‘the ’. The advent of the ‘’ and the spread of American-led are intertwined. As such, the ’s deadly atmospheric legacy far outstrips the effect of its own emissions."

Green ?


#sidecar #newleftreview #militarism #militarization #militaryemissions #climatechange #empire #pentagon #transnationalcapitalism #anthropocene #greatacceleration

Last updated 2 years ago

王胜利🌎🌷 · @ShengLi
25 followers · 11 posts · Server climatejustice.social

In 2017, related to the complex made up 5% of global emissions. That's more than the those related to the aviation industry (2%).

7 of the 10 biggest historical polluters are among the top 10 military spenders, the other 3 are current high emitters. It seems that there're plenty of resources for military but when it comes to ...

Every dollar spent on Military, besides diverts resources from the , actually fuels .

Moreover it's unlikely that military can ever be green, due to its intensive use of as well as its vague commitments to .

We cannot tackle without addressing the .

Full Transnational Institute's report: tni.org/en/publication/climate

#GHGEmissions #military #climatefinance #ClimateCrisis #globalwarming #fossilfuels #netzero #ClimateChange #militaryemissions

Last updated 2 years ago