Peace is good for #StrongmanCapitalism, bad for the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex: Iran and Saudi Arabia have effectively fought a devastating proxy war in #Yemen, where #Houthi rebels aligned with Tehran battled Saudi forces for eight years.
#BRICSPolitics #NonAlignedMovement #NewColdWar #PeaceDividend #ClintonWasTheWorstPresident #CarbonBombKleptocracies
#carbonbombkleptocracies #strongmancapitalism #militaryindustrialcomplex #yemen #bricspolitics #nonalignedmovement #newcoldwar #houthi #peacedividend #clintonwastheworstpresident
@whitepineswhisper @KeithDJohnson @smallcircles
We were actively suppressed multiple times, mostly for being against the #militaryIndustrialComplex and their wars for #oil, and for supporting journalists being persecuted for speaking truth to power (#JulianAssange).
It became quite obvious.
FYI #MindsDotCom are cloudGlare and we can report that they suppress (read: actively delete) posts critical of #BigPharma. Minds recently joined Fedi and should be blocked.
#militaryindustrialcomplex #oil #julianassange #mindsDotCom #bigpharma
Tell me you’ve never seen a #dystopian #scifi movie without telling me you’ve never seen a dystopian sci fi movie.
#usa #america #army #navy #airforce #militaryindustrialcomplex #unitedstatesofhypocrisy #unitednothings #unitedstates #unitedstatesofamerica
#dystopian #scifi #usa #america #army #navy #airforce #militaryindustrialcomplex #unitedstatesofhypocrisy #unitednothings #unitedstates #unitedstatesofamerica
Lockheed-Martin is having a streetwear moment in South Korea
How to make genocide-enabling tech into fashion!
turn to the left
turn to the right
ooh, Lockheed-Martin
#lockheedmartun #militaryindustrialcomplex #death #fashion
I've started to read Norman Solomon's 'War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of its Military Machine':
6% in, the book provides relation through its simple language and many facts. The writing style is lovely: straightforward, illuminating, clarifying.
#NormanSolomon #military #war #invasion #analysis #book #NonFiction #USA #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #reading #Bookrastinating @bookstodon
#normansolomon #military #war #invasion #analysis #book #nonfiction #usa #militaryindustrialcomplex #reading #Bookrastinating
#Hobart port confirmed as #nuclear ships host, while critics fear risk of becoming target
#tasmania #lutruwita #australia #navy #militaryindustrialcomplex #taspol #tasgov #politas #wariscapitalism #waristerror #classwar #albanese #australianlaborparty
#hobart #nuclear #tasmania #lutruwita #australia #navy #militaryindustrialcomplex #taspol #tasgov #politas #wariscapitalism #waristerror #classwar #Albanese #australianlaborparty
A sober assessment of the effect of #sanctions against #russia following their invasion of #ukraine.
TLDR: damaging to the Russian economy and society certainly, but the Russian #MilitaryIndustrialComplex has no problem obtaining the technology it requires.
Ones and Tooze: Ruble Roulette
Episode webpage:
Media file:
#militaryindustrialcomplex #ukraine #russia #sanctions
#warmongers #CapitalismKills #DefenseSpending #defensebudget #Greed #Corruption #militaryindustrialcomplex #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires
#warmongers #capitalismkills #defensespending #defensebudget #greed #corruption #militaryindustrialcomplex #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires
#USA Customs #harassing anti-war #filmmakers.
#history #militaryindustrialcomplex #army #navy #airforce #antimilitary #antiwar #NoPrideInGenocide
#usa #harassing #filmmakers #history #militaryindustrialcomplex #army #navy #airforce #AntiMilitary #antiwar #NoPrideInGenocide
#ReformTheMedia: Similar to the old “#RedScare” and #McCarthyperiods, when scores of organizations and leaders like W.E.B Du Bois, Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, Paul Robeson and Martin Luther King Jr and others were attacked with #factless accusations, today, prominent organizations and individuals, including CODEPINK, The People's Forum, and Tricontinental Institute have been targeted, with #smears and #accusations propagated by outlets like The New York Times.
#reformthemedia #redscare #mccarthyperiods #factless #smears #accusations #foreverwars #militaryindustrialcomplex
If it isn't clear enough by what is happening with the #ClimateCrisis can we all agree that our "Leaders" are psychopaths that don't care about anything but enriching themselves?
NATO is Risking Nuclear War for Money
Please put aside your preconceptions and give this well researched video a watch, which gives essential context to the current conflict in #Ukraine
Also see
#militaryindustrialcomplex #nuclearwar #nato #warisaracket #ukraine #ClimateCrisis
@housepanther @Radical_EgoCom @TomSwirly
Not because people in the #USA are #antifacist or something, but because #Trump pissed off the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex with his bs takes:
#militaryindustrialcomplex #Trump #antifacist #USA
it’s hard to see von Braun’s transition from #Nazi rocketeer to American #hero as anything less than astonishing. After helping the U.S. #Army develop its #ballisticmissileprogram, he took a position in the newly established civilian space agency, #NASA, in 1960
#bullshitjobs #WarsForOil #globalboiling #SlaveLabor #militaryindustrialcomplex #X #TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence
#nazi #hero #army #ballisticmissileprogram #nasa #bullshitjobs #warsforoil #globalboiling #slavelabor #militaryindustrialcomplex #x #taxbillionairesoutofexistence
The #militaryindustrialcomplex, that owns #UScongress, always trots out the #UFOs story whenever #COMMIES aren't enough to scare us into giving the @deptofdefense MOAR of your #taxes. After all, aliens have SUPERIOR WEAPONS, and those PREVERTED things they do to earth girls...🫢
#militaryindustrialcomplex #uscongress #ufos #commies #taxes
The #Ukraine War Shows the US #MilitaryIndustrialComplex Isn’t Battle Ready
Meeting Ukraine’s vast demand for ammunition and weapons means tapping into a web of small manufacturers across America, and rethinking how military supply chains work.
#Ukraine #militaryindustrialcomplex
This explains the Pentagon SO well! 🤣🤣
About the only equipment I've seen that doesn't fit this scenario is the A-10, designed by Marines to support Marines, and every other branch of the armed forces has been trying to retire it ever since 😂
Not seen: bank-vault-worthy payments by lobbyists to government officials and small-country-GDP worthy payments from the government to companies throughout this process and into the future for "upgrades".
#usa #military #militaryindustrialcomplex #pentagon
@DrALJONES #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #EndlessWar
There's always an enemy, a threat to our security and "national interests", to keep the insatiable rapacious beast gorged.
#endlesswar #militaryindustrialcomplex
the deadening impact of #technocracy on our mental lives, especially on the ways we think about war. As Mumford and other critics had foreseen, #technocratic #rationality could rationalize conduct that was essentially mad.
#domesdayclock #nucleardisaster #militaryindustrialcomplex #ukraine
#technocracy #technocratic #rationality #domesdayclock #nucleardisaster #militaryindustrialcomplex #ukraine