“The armed forces in many African countries represent a threat to security because of their lack of military professionalism.”
#Militaryprofessionalism doesn't just mean a military being competent and doing its job well, it means not getting involved in other professions—like politics.
The #militarization of #politics and the #politicization of militaries make for less professionalism on both counts.
#militaryprofessionalism #militarization #politics #politicization #africa #security #governance #democracy
There are many secondary effects of military #coups that don't get a lot of attention—such as the damage to anti-#corruption efforts, which lose civilian oversight.
Involvement in politics—or worse, seizing control of the government—is strongly contrary to the ideal of a professional #military, as shown time and again by the truly abysmal record of governance that military #dictatorship has in Africa.
#coups #corruption #military #dictatorship #africa #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
“There is a correlation between military effectiveness and the relationship between a country’s #military and the public. … An #army that does not invest in education and #ethics in relation to the population pays a price in terms of #security.”
—Gen. Mbaye Cissé, NSA to the President of Senegal
#military #army #ethics #security #africa #militaryprofessionalism #governance
#Militaryprofessionalism is a standard of conduct upheld by members of the armed forces committed to the values of service to the public, subordination to democratic civilian authority, allegiance to the constitution, political neutrality, and respect for the rule of law and human rights.
Read our most popular research paper, which has been used as a manual for African militaries seeking to become more democratic and professional:
#militaryprofessionalism #africa #democracy
Military professionalism is a means to effectively provide security for citizens in a manner that upholds the rule of law and safeguards human rights.
Read more about why it's so important for functioning democracies and how to increase it in African militaries that need it in our Spotlight on the roundtable discussion by African military leaders, hosted by the Africa Center and NDU earlier this month:
#military #militaryprofessionalism #africa #democracy
“It is the absence of clear borders between the political and military arenas that leads to decreased #stability.”
Unfortunately, #militaryprofessionalism is a challenge for many African militaries because of the legacy of colonialism, explains General Mbaye Cissé, when “security forces’ main mission was #repression. [They] were not united, they were artificial, and were too present in the political arena. This is an ongoing handicap.”
#stability #militaryprofessionalism #repression #africa #security #democracy
Central to creating a culture of #militaryprofessionalism is instilling in soldiers of all ranks core societal values & principles that the #military aspires to. Creating shared values has a unifying effect on a military & amplifies effectiveness.
A primary vehicle for institutionalizing an ethos of military professionalism is professional military education. PME is particularly vital for “emphasizing #democratic values, including upholding the rule of law,” said Langley.
#militaryprofessionalism #military #democratic #democracy #security
Central to creating a culture of #militaryprofessionalism is instilling in soldiers of all ranks core societal values & principles that the #military aspires to. Creating shared values has a unifying effect on a military & amplifies effectiveness.
A primary vehicle for institutionalizing an ethos of military professionalism is professional military education. PME is particularly vital for “emphasizing #democratic values, including upholding the rule of law,” said Langley.
#militaryprofessionalism #military #democratic #democracy #security
“The ultimate decision-makers are #civilian leaders. … Every #military should strive to be apolitical so they can be objective with their advice.”
—Gen. Michael Langley, Commander of US #Africa Command
#civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
#civilian #military #africa #civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
“The ultimate decision-makers are #civilian leaders. … Every #military should strive to be apolitical so they can be objective with their advice.”
—Gen. Michael Langley, Commander of US #Africa Command
#civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
#civilian #military #africa #civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
“#Military leaders need to trust civilian decision-making … Civilians have the right to be wrong. Their job is to make decisions—and then to be held accountable. … Trust does not just happen, though. It needs to be earned.”
— Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth
#military #security #militaryprofessionalism #africa
“#Military leaders need to trust civilian decision-making … Civilians have the right to be wrong. Their job is to make decisions—and then to be held accountable. … Trust does not just happen, though. It needs to be earned.”
— Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth
#security #militaryprofessionalism #military #Africa #democracy
#democracy #military #security #militaryprofessionalism #africa
With most threats to African #security emerging from domestic crises, #military professionalism can be an indispensable stabilizing factor.
The #Africa Center and National Defense University cohosted a lively roundtable discussion on #militaryprofessionalism last week on the sidelines of the US–#Africa Leaders Summit.
Here (below and in the link) are some highlights and insights into civil-military relations that came out of the event …
#security #military #africa #militaryprofessionalism
With most threats to African #security emerging from domestic crises, #military professionalism can be an indispensable stabilizing factor.
The Africa Center and National Defense University cohosted a lively roundtable discussion on #militaryprofessionalism last week on the sidelines of the US–#Africa Leaders Summit.
Here (below and in the link) are some highlights and insights into civil-military relations that came out of the event …
#democracy #security #military #africa #militaryprofessionalism
#security #civmil #military #democracy #Africa #conflict #stability
With most African conflicts and threats to citizen security emerging from domestic political crises, military professionalism can be an indispensable stabilizing factor for a society.
Last weeks roundtable on #militaryprofessionalism was full of insights by security practitioners into civil-military relations:
#security #civmil #military #democracy #africa #conflict #stability #militaryprofessionalism
#security #civmil #military #democracy #Africa #conflict #stability
With most African conflicts and threats to citizen security emerging from domestic political crises, military professionalism can be an indispensable stabilizing factor for a society.
Last week's roundtable on #militaryprofessionalism was full of insights by security practitioners into civil-military relations:
#security #civmil #military #democracy #africa #conflict #stability #militaryprofessionalism
As one African participant put it during yesterday's roundtable cohosted by the Africa Center and National Defense University:
Without #militaryprofessionalism anchored in civilian oversight and #democratic values, instability will reign & #Africa will be constantly starting over.
#militaryprofessionalism #democratic #africa
As one African participant put it during yesterday's roundtable cohosted by the Africa Center and National Defense University:
Without #militaryprofessionalism anchored in civilian oversight and #democratic values, instability will reign & #Africa will be constantly starting over.
#militaryprofessionalism #democratic #africa