U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4374 followers · 3793 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Roaming Jayne · @Jayne
61 followers · 46 posts · Server medic.cafe

Veterans Day is always a hard day for me. I grew up in a military family and my brother and son-in-law served. I know what this service means to individuals and families. I also worked in a nonprofit that specifically works with active-duty, retirees, and veterans through issues of , , , , and just general military culture.

When the goal should be toward creating increased world and learning how to increase , , of countries to meet the needs of their people, and mitigating , the glorification of military might and nationalism within the US, especially on , makes me exquisitely uncomfortable.

I don't have a great insight to share. Just needed a place to share how I am feeling today.

#ptsd #moralinjury #militarysexualassault #domesticviolence #peace #diplomacy #earlywarning #capacitybuilding #climatedisruption #veteransday

Last updated 2 years ago