Nonilex · @Nonilex
780 followers · 3170 posts · Server

foxnews moderator: “…are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists & militia groups & to say that they need to STAND DOWN…?”

Trump: “…what do you want me to call them?”

moderator: “…white supremacists…”

Biden (interjects): “Proud Boys”

: “Proud Boys, STAND BACK & STAND BY”

#trump #proudboys #enriquetarrio #tarrio #seditiousconspiracy #whitesupremacy #militia #gop #republicans #maga #terrorism #statesponsoredterrorism

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
200 followers · 469 posts · Server

Maine Wants These Nazi Squatters Gone

The group “Blood Tribe” is vying for national attention with a swastika march in Florida. In Maine, they’re the latest out-of-state headache.

#nazis #maine #training #militia #government #pushback #nazibegone

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
165 followers · 4313 posts · Server
Weltschmerz à Gogo · @ThatWeltschmerz
67 followers · 166 posts · Server

“On the governor’s shopping list were helicopters, boats, police powers and reportedly even cellphone-hacking technology for a force outside of federal jurisdiction, and accountable directly to him.

“Haas also seemed to confirm the veterans’ assertion that the state guard’s brief had changed. It was a “military organization”, he said, that will be used for “aiding law enforcement with riots and illegal immigration”.”

#florida #desantis #militia #Brownshirts #Stormtroopers

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4177 followers · 25401 posts · Server

"A Florida state guard established by the rightwing governor...under the guise of a civilian disaster relief force is instead being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under his personal command, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the program... volunteers have been trained for military combat, including the use of weapons... "

#florida #militia #disasterrelief

Last updated 1 year ago

davidpmaurer · @davidpmaurer
351 followers · 9827 posts · Server
GeneBean · @genebean
210 followers · 1351 posts · Server

Well, this is disturbing. “State guard set up by DeSantis is being trained as personal militia, veterans say”
[ ]

#desantis #militia #veterans #florida

Last updated 1 year ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
605 followers · 11251 posts · Server

"I don’t even think the knows what’s going on. I don’t think this is a fly on his radar right now," Newhouse said. "I think he would be appalled that a veteran — a — would be abused by other members."

Don't be so ignorant. Of COURSE he knows. And NO, he wouldn't be appalled at any abuse that happened. Do you not know his reputation at ? 😒
quit over -like training

#iamdb #militia #guard #state #Florida #desantis #veterans #gitmo #military #veteran #disabled #governor

Last updated 1 year ago

janggolan · @janggolan
160 followers · 6936 posts · Server

: “The program got hijacked and turned into something that we were trying to stay away from, a ,” said Brian Newhouse, a retired 20-year Navy veteran who was chosen to lead one of the ’s three divisions...

#florida #militia #stateguard

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Kwietniak · @DuBusGuy19
32 followers · 193 posts · Server

in 1863, the began. Originally a by mostly against draft policies, it devolved into attacks on and later free in the city. It took a to restore order, but only after 3 days of rioting. To date, this remains the worst race riot in .

#onthisdate #newyorkcity #draft #riots #protest #irish #workingclass #civilwar #abolitionists #politicians #blacks #militia #urban #americanhistory #history #histodons

Last updated 1 year ago

CT History News · @CTHistoryNewsBot
64 followers · 195 posts · Server
J.R Ewing · @suki
30 followers · 380 posts · Server

What happen to all the hot heads, nuts, proud boys … a boat of load of white trash? No show in .

#whips #hotair #trumpindictment #miami #militia #2a

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
258 followers · 8386 posts · Server
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1314 followers · 2971 posts · Server

Today in Labor History June 11, 1837: The Broad Street Riot occurred in Boston, between Irish Americans and Yankee firefighters. As shocking as this might seem to today’s readers, it was relatively common in the mid- to late-1800s. First, fire departments were generally volunteer or private organizations made up of ethnically similar people. Secondly, Nativist and anti-Catholic sentiment was rampant, which led to regular fights between “native” or Protestant fire crews and immigrant Catholic-Irish crews. Such a fight plays prominently in my historical novel, “Anywhere But Schuylkill.” This phenomenon is discussed in Noel Ignatiev’s excellent book, “How the Irish Became White.”

During the Broad Street Riot, roughly 800 people brawled, with 10,000 spectators egging them on. The firefighters vandalized nearby homes and businesses and beat residents (mostly Irish). While injuries were severe and pervasive, nobody died. The mayor had to call in the state militia to put down the riot. In the aftermath, Boston created its first municipal police and fire departments.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #broadstreet #boston #Riot #firefighters #racism #militia #vandalism #immigrant #catholic #historicalfiction #novel #author #writer #police #anywherebutschuylkill

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1306 followers · 2959 posts · Server

Today in Labor History June 10, 1904: The National Guard deported 79 striking Colorado miners to Kansas, following a battle between the Colorado Militia and striking miners at Dunnville that had occurred two days prior. The battle ended with six union members dead and 15 taken prisoner. Dozens were arrested without warrants and held without formal charges. All this occurred during the infamous Colorado Labor Wars (1903-1904) in which dozens of striking workers were slaughtered by cops, national guards and vigilantes and hundreds were deported. The miners, organized by the Western Federation of Miners, and led by future IWW founders Big Bill Haywood and Vincent Saint John, often fought back with guns, and engaged in sabotage, blowing up mines.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #mining #colorado #police #policebrutality #acab #IWW #wfm #bigbillhaywood #militia #union #strike #massacre #vigilante #deportation

Last updated 1 year ago

Bob Tregilus :tux:📷:copyleft: · @elaterite
1404 followers · 434 posts · Server

Site of the Mountain Meadows Massacre in 1857. Mormans, lead by Isaac Haight & John Lee of the Nauvoo Legion, a state-authorized militia, murdered ~120 men, women, & children of the Baker--Fancher emigrant party who were traveling the Old Spanish Trail though the lower SW corner of what is now the State of Utah. The view to the SE. Many of the slain were buried in a mass grave in front of the cluster of trees in the distance.

#utah #militia #history #massacre #murder

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1305 followers · 2936 posts · Server

Today in Labor History 1894: Colorado’s governor sent in the Colorado state militia to support the Cripple Creek miners' strike, the only time in history that a state militia was used to help a workers’ struggle, rather than to suppress it.

The mine owners were demanding a 10-hour day without an increase in pay. In response, the miners went on strike. There was considerable violence from both sides during the strike, led by the Western Federation of Miners (WFM). On March 16, some miners ambushed, shot and beat some sheriff’s deputies. The judge, a WFM member, let the miners off, but charged the deputies with carrying concealed weapons.

Furious, the Sheriff arrested 20 union leaders. Meanwhile, the mine owners conspired to bring in hundreds of scabs and deputized vigilantes. When the new deputies marched on the strikers’ camp, the miners blew up several mine structures, forcing the deputies to flee. The mine owners hired hundreds more vigilantes for their army. When he heard about the size of the miner owners’ force, the governor declared the deputies illegal and sent in state troops to defend the miners.

On June 5, the day before the state troops arrived, the mine owners’ army began cutting telegraph lines and arresting reporters and hundreds of town residents. When the state troops arrived, there were already gun battles going on between the vigilante army and the miners. However, the state troops gained control of the town relatively quickly and the mine owners disbanded their army and sent them home.

300 miners were arrested, but only four were convicted. And the populist governor pardoned them all. The WFM won, keeping the 8-hour day and their $3/day wages. And, they were so popular because of their victory, that they easily organized most of the other industries in the region (e.g., waitresses, laundry workers, bartenders, newsboys) into 54 new locals.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #mining #colorado #union #strike #solidarity #militia #sabotage #police #policebrutality #acab

Last updated 1 year ago

Sherifa Zuhur · @Sherifazuhur
982 followers · 4283 posts · Server

Charbel Hage: is now playing the game of “what’s in it for me” trying to get as much compromises as possible from the presidency election in .

Azour is the embodiment of - elite capture rule of .

This below is bla bla. @lebanon

#hezbollah #lebanon #mafia #militia

Last updated 1 year ago

Charming Malcontent · @CharmingMalcontent
88 followers · 924 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server