"Some instant grocery startups imagined a brave new world where no one would ever need a fridge or a pantry again, because everything could be supplied at the touch of a button.
If all of this sounds way too good to be true: well, it was." #MilkRun #StartUps #GroceryDelivery #DeliveryApps #Australia
MilkRun’s demise heralds dark days ahead for millennials hooked on instant gratification | JR Hennessy | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/12/milkruns-demise-heralds-dark-days-ahead-for-millennials-hooked-on-instant-gratification
#milkrun #startups #grocerydelivery #deliveryapps #australia
This is fascinating! Here's what it's like to live in a remote Alaskan village and commute 220 miles RT by plane to shop for groceries each quarter. https://www.insider.com/what-its-like-flying-plane-for-groceries-alaska-living-2022-11
#aviation #grocerygetter #avgeek #milkrun
Today, a very rich 4th lecture of the 3rd and last unit of #ROAR (Real Applications of #orms – https://github.com/aliceraffaele/ROAR).
We started by presenting the final project to the students: they are gonna solve a real industrial problem on #milkrun proposed by a student's parent – 1/n
Bei "Wer weiss denn sowas" wurde heute nach dem Milchmann-Prinzip aus der Logistik gefragt. Hättet ihr es gewusst?