Revised Key Biscayne budget takes smaller tax bite, but still up 9.9% :
The budget spells out $21 million in capital spending over 31 different projects, with about half devoted to storm water and resiliency initiatives.
#BenjaminNussbaum #Budget #COVID19 #EdLondon #flooding #IgnacioSegurola #K8Center #labor #Millage #Police #PropertyTax #resiliency #SealLevelRise #StAgnes #SteveWilliamso
#benjaminnussbaum #budget #COVID19 #edlondon #flooding #ignaciosegurola #k8center #labor #millage #Police #propertytax #resiliency #seallevelrise #stagnes #stevewilliamso
St. Agnes field, other projects in jeopardy after Council tax rate vote :
The rate adopted Tuesday means the Village's maximum tax increase would be 12.9%, except for Homesteaded properties, whose owners would only see a 6.3% increase
#athletics #beachpark #BenjaminNussbaum #Budget #DaniellaLevineCava #DanielleCohenHiggins #EdLondon #Garbage #HarborPark #Millage #Privatization
#Athletics #beachpark #benjaminnussbaum #budget #daniellalevinecava #daniellecohenhiggins #edlondon #garbage #harborpark #millage #privatization
#ebike update. I've taken two rides in two days, each over roughly the same type of terrain, paved city bike trails. I fully charged each time.
one day I rode normal, power level 2-3 14-18mph(22-28kph) and then measured my #recharge, I got about 20wHr/mile.
The second day power level 1 most of the time. 6-8mph(10-13kph) and got about 13wHr/mile.
Your #millage may vary😀
Please cross-reference a earlier Italian style #polymath take issue with a #poser #serialSpeculator who people call #polymath #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialOpressor I'm just in the way of #SpaceX was in #OscodaMi with a new #launch facility. They see #growth #theOnly #millage they #vote for are for #educstion. So they can #getout.#elon #musk #twitter #twittermigration
#Polymath #poser #serialspeculator #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialopressor #SpaceX #oscodami #launch #growth #theonly #millage #vote #educstion #getout #elon #musk #Twitter #twittermigration #hardcore #punk #anarchy
Please cross-reference a earlier Italian style #polymath take issue with a #poser #serialSpeculator who people call #polymath #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialOpressor I'm just in the way of #SpaceX was in #OscodaMi with a new #launch facility. They see #growth #theOnly #millage they #vote for are for #education. So they can #getout.#elon #musk #twitter #twittermigration
#Polymath #poser #serialspeculator #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialopressor #SpaceX #oscodami #launch #growth #theonly #millage #vote #getout #hardcore #punk #anarchy #education #elon #musk #Twitter #twittermigration